A list of available resources online to build into a more accessible repo (possibly on adv.m.o). Some are CC-licensed or opensource, some are guides or apps sold on other platforms, etc. List will be curated at a later date (contribute to this list).
##Table of Contents
- Lists and repos for general online security
- Google Tools
- Tools for Windows Users
- Tools for Mac OS X Users
- Android Tools
- iPhone Tools
- Email, File, and Network Encryption
- Password Managers
- Social Media and Chatting Tools
- Tools Specifically for Journalists
- Meet-ups and Other Educational Resources
###Lists and repos for general online security
- Secure Messaging Comparison (EFF)- Comparison list of various messaging platforms/services.
- Password Manager Comparison (Lifehacker) - Comparison list of password managers.
- Ononymous (Tactical Technology Collective) - Repo of online "self-defence" tools.
- Reset The Net Privacy Pack (Fight for the Future) - Repo of online privacy tools.
- Security in a Box (Tactical Technology Collective + Front Line Defenders) - List of digital security tools and tactics for activists and human rights defenders around the world.
- Online Survival Kit (We Fight Censorship) - Toolkit for circumventing censorship, and securing communications and data.
- Privacy Teaching Kit (Stacy Martin, Mozilla) - Toolkit for teaching privacy techniques and tools to young adults.
- What's Wrong With Your Password? Teaching Kit (Stacy Martin, Mozilla) - Lesson plan for teaching how to use smart passwords.
###Google Tools
- [Chrome Password Alert] (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/password-alert/noondiphcddnnabmjcihcjfbhfklnnep) - Chrome extension to create a password alert when it changes.
- [Gmail 2-Factor Verification] (http://www.google.com/landing/2step/) - Step-by-step guide to set up 2-Factor verification for Gmail.
- [Google Authenticator] (https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1066447?hl=en) - Support guide to set up Google Authenticator, which generates codes across multiple devices.
- [Secunia PSI] (http://secunia.com/vulnerability_scanning/personal/download/) (Secunia) - Free application that handles updates for Windows.
- [BitLocker] (https://itservices.stanford.edu/service/encryption/wholedisk/bitlocker) (Stanford University) - Guide to setting up BitLocker for harddrive encryption for Windows versions that support BitLocker.
- [Veracrypt] (https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/) (Idrix) - Harddrive encryption for those with Windows versions that don't support BitLocker.
###Mac OS X
- [FileVault] (http://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/how-to-set-up-and-use-filevault-2--mac-45442) (tuts+) - Guide to setting up FileVault 2 for hard drive encryption.
- [Phone Encryption] (http://www.networkworld.com/article/2689371/opensource-subnet/how-to-encrypt-an-android-device-in-5-steps.html) (Network World) - Guide to encrypt an Android device.
- [TextSecure] (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.thoughtcrime.securesms&hl=en) (Open Whisper System) - App on Play Store for encrypted SMS/MMS messaging.
- [RedPhone] (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.thoughtcrime.redphone&hl=en) (Open Whisper System) - App on Play Store for encrypted phone calls.
- [Orbot] (https://guardianproject.info/apps/orbot/) (The Guardian Project) - Free proxy app that uses Tor to encrypt Internet traffic on your Android.
- [Orweb] (https://guardianproject.info/apps/orweb/) (The Guardian Project) - Free secure web browser for Android.
- [Orfox] (https://dev.guardianproject.info/projects/orfox-private-browser/news) (The Guardian Project) - Firefox browser built on Tor; releasing Summer 2015.
- [Phone Encryption] (https://ssd.eff.org/en/module/how-encrypt-your-iphone) (EFF) - Guide to encrypting your phone.
- [Signal] (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/signal-private-messenger/id874139669?mt=8) (Open Whisper System) - App on iTunes for encrypted SMS/MMS messaging.
- [Riseup] (https://help.riseup.net/en) (Riseup.net) - Provides secure and private (encrypted) email accounts.
- [Hushmail] (https://www.hushmail.com/) - Secure email with built-in encryption, no advertising, and unlimited email aliases.
- [Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)] (http://www.pgpi.org/) - Encryption software for emails and files.
- [GnuPG (GPG)] (https://www.gnupg.org/) - Encryption softwarre for emails and files.
- [Tor] (https://www.torproject.org/) - Free software and an open network that allows you to access the Internet without leaving a digital trace.
###Password Managers
- [LastPass] (https://lastpass.com/) - Cross-platform password manager and generator.
- [1Password] (https://agilebits.com/onepassword) (AgileBits) - Extension to manage passwords across platforms/devices.
###Social Media and Chatting Tools
- [Facebook 2-Factor Verification] (https://www.facebook.com/help/148233965247823) - Step-by-step guide to set up 2-Factor verification for Facebook.
- [Twitter 2-Factor Verification] (https://blog.twitter.com/2013/getting-started-with-login-verification) - Step-by-step guide to set up 2-Factor verification for Twitter.
- [Pidgin] (http://www.pidgin.im/) - Free, open source online messaging platform for Windows, Linux, and other UNIX OS that allows you to log into multiple networks simultaneously.
- [Adium] (https://adium.im/) - Free, open source online messagin platform for Mac OS X users that allows you to long into multiple networks simultaneously.
- [Off-the-Record Messaging] (https://otr.cypherpunks.ca/) - Plug-in that works with Pidgin to provide encryption, etc.
###Specifically for Journalists
- [SaferJourno] (http://saferjourno.internews.org/) - Free, opensource curriculum to teach journalists digital safety; EN + ES
- [Journalist Security, Technology Security] (https://cpj.org/reports/2012/04/technology-security.php) (Committee to Protect Journalists) - Tools (technical + non-technical) to help journalists stay safe.
- [Manual de Seguridad Digital y Móvil para Periodistas y Blogueros (PDF)] (http://www.icfj.org/sites/default/files/Manual%20de%20seguridad%20web.pdf) (ICFJ) - Spanish language manual for digital and mobile security for journalists and bloggers.
- [The Journalist Survival Guide] (http://video.skeyesmedia.org/) (SKeyes Center for Media and Cultural Freedom at the Samir Kassir Foundation) - Animated video guide broken into 9 segments for online safety tips for journalists.
- [Information Security for Journalists] (http://tcij.org/resources/handbooks/infosec) (The Centre for Investigative Journalism) - A handbook that lays out the most effective means of keeping your work private and safe from spying.
- [ІНТЕРНЕТ-БЕЗПЕКА (Ukrainian)] (http://imi.org.ua/bezpeka/spravochnik-po-bezopasnosti/) (Institute of Mass Information) - Toolkit with resources covering topics like protecting your computer from malicious spyware, creating strong passwords, and protecting yourself on social networks.
###Meet-ups and other educational resources
- [Crypto Party] (https://www.cryptoparty.in/) - Find or organize a local cryptoparty!
- [Digital Security for the Arab World] (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1jRTDEqmwlC6NP6LgEyPVXYsm7bhT_ni) (CyberArabs) - YouTube channel with animated shorts on digital security topics in Arabic.
##How do I contribute to this list? Have an idea of a tool that should be on this list? Here's how you can add it:
- Familiar with github? Send a pull request with your suggestions. If you're not sure how to do that don't sweat it. See below.
- Not familiar with github? You can leave a comment on this page by clicking on the
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