A conversion of animate.css into angular ngAnimate javascript. All animations are done in Javascript, no CSS.
- all you need is
bower install
ng-Animations rely on ng-animate and GSAP- add to your angular app and your HTML file
angular.module('app', ['animations'])
- animations work with ng-animate so you can use them on ng-repeat/ng-show/ng-hide/ng-if/ng-switch/ng-class/ng-view/nginclude
- Just add the name of the animation as the class on the element you want to animate
<h1 ng-init='nums=[1,2,3,4]' ng-repeat='num in nums' class='fade-left'>
{{ num }}
1.Eventing system for animations, so for example below, the element will trigger an even when the fade-up animation is complete.
2.animations for dom events / directives, so for example, below, the img will render a shake animation when the mouse hovers over it
3.More animations!
4 A better README.md :)
<div ng-if='show' class='trigger fade-up'>Hey</div> <!-- eventing system -->
<img src='pic.jpeg' class='img' animate-hover='shake' /> <!-- dom events -->