Modern technologies were used in the project of the Sports Facility Booking app's client side, which provides customers with an easy-to-use and good experience when browsing and booking facilities.
password: admin
React is used on the client side of the Sports Facility Booking website to create dynamic pages. Redux is used to handle user info. Page navigation is handled by React Router DOM. Form input is managed using React Hook Form. Tailwind CSS is used for styling. ShadCN helps with component design. Sonner used for notifications. Lucide-react used for professional icons. Zod used for validity of all form inputs. JWT used for authorization. Swiper for slider.
First of all you need to clone the repository. Here is the repository link:
In the command prompt, full command is ( git clone )
Then go to the downloaded repository by cd (repository name) or manually.
Secondly install all the dependencies by write in the terminal
npm install
To run the application in development mode, use the following command:
npm run dev