#Goldar Web Automation
What is Goldar Web Automation ?
Goldar Web Automation is
Automation using Selenium Webdriver - Java and it can generate report automatically,
so you can attach report for your daily work
and helping you saving time to create report and also saving your testing time.
#####How to setup before running project:
- Install HomeBrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
- Install JDK here
check JDK already installed :
$javac -version
- Write on your .bash_profile
open your bash profile using nano or vim :
$nano .bash_profile
Copy to your bash profile :
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
- Install chromedriver
$brew install chromedriver
You can use Firefox and Safari.
if you want to use Safari, make sure use latest Safari or at least Safari 10.0
And enable "Allow Remote Automation" on develop bar
- Create
under packagesrc/test/resources/features
+-- src
+-- test
+-- resources
+-- features
+-- yourfeature.feature //this is your feature files
Write your scenario on
, check my example onSearchGoogle.feature
Create your steps definition under package
using java class
+--- src
+--- test
+--- java
+-- steps
+--- yoursteps.java //this is your steps definition
- Write your steps definition on
, check my example onSearchGoogleStep.java
- After all done then you can run project
if you only want to run scenario to check it work or not :
1. Go to your scenario
2. Run your Project
if you want to run all your scenario and generate Report :
1. Open your Terminal
2. Go to your directory
3. Type "mvn clean test" or "mvn test"
You can find your report on report directory and the filename is GoldarReport.html
Even Build Success or Build Failed it will generate report and show you where is the error happen
if You want to check how if Build Failed just enable my 2nd Scenario and run it, then you will see the results.
If you have any specific queries reach out to me at Github or E-Mail