This package provides a Betacal class which allows the user to fit/train the default beta calibration model on pyspark dataframes and predict calibrated scores
spark-calibration package is uploaded to PyPi and can be installed with this command:
pip install spark-calibration
train_df should be a pyspark dataframe with score
and label
from spark_calibration import Betacal
from spark_calibration import display_classification_calib_metrics
from spark_calibration import plot_calibration_curve
bc = Betacal(parameters="abm")
train_df = spark.read.parquet("s3://train/")
bc.fit(train_df) # training
print(bc.lr_model, a, b)
a,b -> coefficients of logistic regression model
lr_model -> pysparkML logistic regression model
test_df is a pyspark dataframe with score
as one of the columns. The predict
function adds a new column prediction
which has the calibrated score
test_df = spark.read.parquet("s3://test/")
test_df = bc.predict(test_df)
The test_df should have score
, prediction
& label
The display_classification_calib_metrics
functions displays brier_score_loss
, log_loss
, area_under_PR_curve
and area_under_ROC_curve
model brier score loss: 0.08072683729933376
calibrated model brier score loss: 0.01014015353257748
delta: -87.44%
model log loss: 0.3038106859864252
calibrated model log loss: 0.053275633947890755
delta: -82.46%
model aucpr: 0.03471287564672635
calibrated model aucpr: 0.03471240518472563
delta: -0.0%
model roc_auc: 0.7490639506966398
calibrated model roc_auc: 0.7490649764289607
delta: 0.0%
Computes true, predicted probabilites (pre & post calibration) using quantile binning strategy with 50 bins and plots the calibration curve