The percentage of people donating blood is increasing day by day due to awareness to Blood donation campaigns. A proper management system is required to keep track of the donors and other relevant data so that there will be no negative effect to the blood receiver once they received blood.
Likewise, there are alot of households who purchase medicines in bulk which ends up unused. this website will be helpful for the purpose of donating these medicines to the needy through NGOs. We link this project to the chosen domain since this data is required to be properly managed, which is where finds it’s scope of use.
Therefore our project helps the society by:
→ Providing a better platform for the users to view the nearest blood donors, hospitals, and blood banks anywhere anytime in the world;
→ Having very friendly design will lead the user to every module very easily without any difficulty. And
→ Meeting the increasing demand for improvements in the health care facilities & services. We use the power of internet technology & its wide network, by which people can help each other with just one click from their phone or pc.