Play-DynamoDB is an API for validating DynamoDB records and converting them into Scala case classes. It's inspired by the JSON combinators available in the core Play distribution.
Current version: 0.4.0
Play DynamoDB is hosted via Sonatype OSS.
Add the following to your build.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases")
libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-dynamodb" % "0.4.1"
- Easily convert data stored in DynamoDB into case classes
- Supports primitive types, iterables, byte arrays and Joda-Time classes
First, make sure you understand the JSON combinators API.
Then you just need to create an implicit reads for your case class and call 'validate'. You will get back either
a DdbSuccess
or a DdbError
depending on whether or not the validation/parsing succeeded.
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.dynamodb._
import org.joda.time.DateTime
* Example item as returned from DynamoDB API
val item = Map(
"username" → new AttributeValue().withS("themodernlife"),
"favoriteQuotes" → new AttributeValue().withSS("Audentes fortuna iuvat", "Festina lente"),
"githubUrl" → new AttributeValue().withS(""),
"commits" → new AttributeValue().withN("25"),
"createdAt" → new AttributeValue().withS("2014-05-19 11:26:00")
* Case class for objects stored in DynamoDB
case class User(username: String, favoriteQuotes: Set[String], githubUrl: Option[String], commits: Int, createdAt: DateTime)
* Override default date parsing
implicit val jodaDateTimeReads = Reads.dateTimeReads("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
* Formula for validating a User case class
implicit val userReads = (
DdbKey("username").read[String] and
DdbKey("favoriteQuotes").read[Set[String]] and
DdbKey("githubUrl").read[Option[String]] and
DdbKey("commits").read[Int] and
* Perform the validation and convert to case class
val user = Item.parse(item).validate[User]
- Ian Hummel
- Aleksey Zhukov