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Terraform Enterprise: High Availability for AWS (BETA)

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This module installs Terraform Enterprise HA BETA onto 1 or more aws instances in DEMO mode. All data is stored on the instance(s) and is not preserved.


basic diagram example architecture

Please contact your Technical Account Manager for more information, and support for any issues you have.


Name Description Type Default Required
distribution Type of linux distribution to use. (ubuntu or rhel) string n/a yes
domain Route53 Domain to manage DNS under string n/a yes
license_file path to Replicated license file string n/a yes
primary_count The number of additional cluster master nodes to run string n/a yes
secondary_count The number of secondary cluster nodes to run string n/a yes
vpc_id AWS VPC id to install into string n/a yes
airgap_installer_url URL to replicated's airgap installer package string "" no
airgap_package_url signed URL to download the package string "" no
ami AMI to launch instance with; defaults to latest Ubuntu Xenial string "" no
aws_access_key_id AWS access key id to connect to s3 with string "" no
aws_secret_access_key AWS secret access key to connect to s3 with string "" no
cert_domain domain to search for ACM certificate with (default is *.domain) string "" no
cidr cidr block for vpc string "" no
encryption_password encryption password to use as root secret (default is autogenerated) string "" no
external_services object store provider for external services. Allowed values: aws string "" no
hostname hostname to assign to cluster under domain (default is autogenerated one) string "" no
http_proxy_url HTTP(S) Proxy URL string "" no
iact_subnet_list List of subnets to allow to access Initial Admin Creation Token (IACT) API. string "" no
iact_subnet_time_limit Amount of time to allow access to IACT API after initial boot string "" no
import_key an ssh pub key to import to all machines string "" no
install_mode Installation mode string "demo" no
postgresql_address address to connect to external postgresql database at string "" no
postgresql_database database name to use in exetrnal postgresql database string "" no
postgresql_extra_params additional connection string parameters (must be url query params) string "" no
postgresql_password password to connect to external postgresql database as string "" no
postgresql_user user to connect to external postgresql database as string "" no
primary_instance_type ec2 instance type string "m4.xlarge" no
ptfe_url URL to the PTFE tool string "" no
region aws region where resources will be created string "us-west-2" no
s3_bucket S3 bucket to store objects into string "" no
s3_region Region of the S3 bucket string "" no
secondary_instance_type ec2 instance type (Defaults to primary_instance_type if not set.) string "" no
ssh_user the user to connect to the instance as string "" no
startup_script shell to run when primary instance boots string "" no
subnet_tags tags to use to match subnets to use map {} no
update_route53 whether or not to automatically update route53 records for the cluster string "true" no
volume_size size of the root volume in gb string "100" no
whitelist List of CIDRs we allow to access the PTFE infrastructure list [] no


Name Description
iam_role The name of the IAM role being used
install_id The installation ID for TFE
lb_endpoint The load-balancer endpoint URI
primary_public_ip The public IP address of the primary VMs
ptfe_endpoint The accessible PTFE URI
ptfe_health_check The PTFE URI used for the health check
replicated_console_password The Replicated console password
replicated_console_url The Replicated Console URL
ssh_config_file The path to the SSH configuration file
ssh_private_key The SSH private key


Module to build Terraform Enterprise HA on AWS







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  • HCL 91.8%
  • Shell 8.2%