- run program on cmdline "python simulator.py"
- simulator.py instantiates simulations from simulation.py
- simulation.py instantiates Rocket object and models (eg. kinematic and atmospheric models)
Flow: Simulator() <--(reads) simulator.json
| \
| \ ... ( x simulation_runs)
v v
Simulation() Simulation() ...
/ |
/ |
v v
Rocket() Models: - KinematicModel() <--(reads) kinematics.json
- AtmosphericModel() <--(reads) atmospherics.json
- ...
Each of these classes reads JSON format config files. They look for default ones in the template_configs folder. If you want to use different config files, you can:
- run the program with the simulator config file as a cmdline argument like "python simulator.py myConfig.json"
- in the simulator config file that you decide to use, specify the other config files that you want. Eg. "simulation_models": {"kinematic":"myKinematics.json", "atmospheric":"myAtmospherics.json"}
Please ONLY branch off Development branch to work on your features/fixes. Create a Pull Request if you'd like to merge to Development.