Contains all projects in Avionics other than ground-station.
See ground-station repo here.
Please ASK if you have any questions.
- master
- dev
- feature branch (optional)
- The master branch will be downloaded for competition. This means that it will contain all final changes.
- The dev branch will be the working copy before all final versions get merged into "master".
- All feature branches should branch off dev.
- yourname/featureName
Eg. Branching off dev to create a feature branch
git checkout dev
git checkout -b mei/anechoicChamberTest
Create folders for each project and put your project-specific files in the respective folders to avoid merge conflicts. Feel free to create any necessary subfolders to make everything cleaner.
├── Ejection
| └── Testing
├── Flight Computer R&D
| └── Flight Computer
| └── Learning
| └── Testing
├── Telemetry
| ├── Antenna
| ├── Radios
| ├── Sensors
| └── Testing
└── Video recorder
└── Testing