Written by Sean McAllister, v.1 12/2022
This stand-alone script is meant to take a formatted btab blastn file and parse the results to assign taxonomy for each ASV. The basic standpoint is that from a list of taxIDs from the best blast hits for each ASV and a confidence value (based on percent identity), we should be able to assign the lowest/deepest appropriate taxonomy shared by all best blast hits.
-a = ASV counts table (make sure there is text in the upper left)
-s = Formatted blastn results (w/ headers ASV Perc Len TaxID correction)
-t = reformatted taxonkit output (TaxID simplified taxonomy)
-f = filtering options Species,Genus,Family,Order,Class,Phylum (e.g. 97,95,90,80,70,60)
-n = Allin Output basename
-c = Location of common names file (grep "genbank common name" from names.dmp NCBI taxonomy file)
-d = List of ASVs to ignore (one per line) for outputs ignoring contaminants and/or unknowns
-o = List of samples (one per line) in the order you want them exported. Must be exact matches to ASV counts table. Does not have to include all samples.
-h = This help message
x sample1 sample2 sample3
ASV_1 914 365 3519
ASV_2 4897 33097 13934
ASV_3 0 2124 0
Create from -outfmt '6 qseqid pident length staxids'
ASV percent length taxid correction
ASV_1 100 313 102976 313
ASV_2 82.372 313 207955 257.824
ASV_3 100 313 67591, 67591;134455, 360400 313
Note: Taxonomic assignments like 67591;134455
above indicate two taxonomic IDs assigned to the same sequence. These assignments are ignored unless they are the only assignment for the best blast hits.
Create list of taxid from each formatted blastn result file and run through taxonkit
taxonkit lineage taxids.txt | awk '$2!=""' > taxonkit_out.txt
taxonkit reformat taxonkit_out.txt | cut -f1,3 > reformatted_taxonkit_out.txt
Produces list of taxIDs (column one) and their taxonomy assignment (K;P;C;O;F;G;S, second column)
102976 Eukaryota;Arthropoda;Malacostraca;Euphausiacea;Euphausiidae;Euphausia;Euphausia pacifica
207955 Eukaryota;Arthropoda;Hexanauplia;Calanoida;Centropagidae;Centropages;Centropages abdominalis
67591 Eukaryota;Oomycota;Peronosporales__c;Peronosporales;Peronosporaceae;Phytophthora;Phytophthora macrochlamydospora
134455 Eukaryota;Oomycota;Peronosporales__c;Peronosporales;Peronosporaceae;Phytophthora;Phytophthora quininea
360400 Eukaryota;Oomycota;Peronosporales__c;Peronosporales;Peronosporaceae;Phytophthora;Phytophthora captiosa
Note: Gaps in the NCBI taxonomy at each level are filled from the lower taxonomic assignment. I.E. Peronosporales__c
in the above example means that it is the class containing the order Peronosporales. These tags help to keep track of individual taxa so that they are not relegated to "Unknown" or "NA" on filtering.
Use this comma delimited string to set the boundaries for assignment confidence based on percent identity. For 97,95,90,80,70,60
: species assignment for x≥97%
, genus assignment for 97%>x≥95%
, family assignment for 95%>x≥90%
, order assignment for 90%>x≥80%
, class assignment for 80%>x≥70%
, phylum assignment for 70%>x≥60%
, and anything lower than 60%
is assigned to "Unknown."
is the outname of your choice
is created from the names.dmp NCBI taxonomy file. grep "genbank common name" names.dmp > commonNames.txt
(optional) List of ASVs to ignore (one per line)
(optional) List of samples in the appropriate order for outfiles (one per line, must match the ASV counts file.
From the examples given, you would get the following assignments:
ASV_1 Eukaryota;Arthropoda;Malacostraca;Euphausiacea;Euphausiidae;Euphausia;Euphausia pacifica
ASV_2 Eukaryota;Arthropoda;Hexanauplia
ASV_3 Eukaryota;Oomycota;Peronosporales__c;Peronosporales;Peronosporaceae;Phytophthora
To create files prior to running will need:
The script itself requires:
KronaTools (https://hpc.nih.gov/apps/kronatools.html)
This program produces a lot of useful output files.
Main taxonomy table with assignments per ASV. (+IGNORE file when given)outname_barchart.txt
Terminal taxonomy assignments with counts for easy barchart manipulation in Excel. (+IGNORE +NoUnknowns).outname_barchart_forR.txt
Terminal taxonomy assignments with counts for easy barchart creation in R. (+IGNORE)outname_master_krona.html
Krona Plot showing hierarchical taxonomy browser per sample. (+IGNORE)outname_wholeKRONA.html
Krona Plot showing hierarchical taxonomy browser will all sample counts summed.outname_singleBlastHits_with_MULTItaxid.txt
Prints hits with two taxIDs per sequence (e.g.67591;134455
) and whether they were chosen for downstream output.outname_unique_terminaltaxa.txt
List all terminal taxa.outname_taxid_to_commonname_ALL.txt
List of common names associated with taxIDs.outname_heatmap_multiASV.txt
List of ASVs, and their count tables, for each taxa at each hierarchy. Best used for the lower/deeper taxa to highlight ASVs with the same taxonomic assignment where one might be real (have large counts) and one ASV might have a different length/contain slight erroneous bases. Could help with filtering ASVs. (+IGNORE)outname_unknown_asvids.txt
A list of all the ASVs assigned to "Unknown" and the reason why (NO TAXID ASSIGNMENT
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