Blazing Fast S3 Powered CDN, Powered By Fastify, S3 Compatible Buckets & Docker!
Core DockerHub:
Slave Service DockerHub:
β’ Fastify Powered Backend
β’ Built in Load Balancer which directs the connection to the closest server to the user
β’ Each Slave CDN pulls files from your selected S3 Bucket or local system, each slave location has a copy and distributes them to users.
β’ Directs users to the closest server by checking the IP Location and sending them to the correct way
β ( Wasabi S3 ) β --> Fetches files from the S3 Bucket
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β / \ β
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β[ UK Server ][ US Server ] β --> Replicates the files from the S3 Bucket to each server (Replicates at every location)
β \ / β
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β --------------------- β
β | Delivery System | β --> The delivery system handles requests
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β ( Request ) β
β | b | β
β | d | β
β --------------------- β
β | Delivery System | β --> Checks the request IP, and forwards there request to the closest server (Checks the IP's location to determine cloest server)
β --------------------- β
β ||| β
β --------------------- β
β | Load Balancer | β --> Redirects the request to the least stressed server in the location (UK1: 50%, UK2:25% - Would forward to UK2 as lowest System load)
β --------------------- β --> Load Balancer Not Realeased (W.I.P)
β ||| β
β --------------------- β
β | CDN | β --> Serves the requested file on the cloest server to them
β --------------------- β
β ||| β
β / \ β
β / \ β
β / \ β
β [ Data ] [ File ] β --> Dispatches both the Data and CDN File to the destination
β \ / β
β \ / β
β \ / β
β ------------------- β
β Destination β --> File received! :)
β ------------------- β