A simple Editor with Syntax Highlighting, a preview function and click-to-note feature for the ABC notation format (http://abcnotation.com/) written with perl/pEFL
Please note that you have to install abcm2ps seperately and to adjust the abcm2ps path in the Edit->Settings dialog. Binaries for abcm2ps can be found at http://abcplus.sourceforge.net/ .
Under Linux you can install the application with:
perl ./Makefile.PL
sudo make install
Therefore you need the following libraries and perl modules:
- pEFL (at the moment you need the newest version of github. The version on CPAN doesn't work!)
- Source::SyntaxHighlight
- Image::Info
- File::ShareDir
- File::HomeDir
- Convert::Color
- HTML::Entities
- MIDI::Util
- JavaScript::QuickJS