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ActiveAnno is a web-based, responsive, highly configurable open source document annotation tool.


Live Demo

The current running demo can be found here: Please use the login credentials username "testuser", password "testuser". Since the location of where the demo is running might change in the future, it will always be referenced here in the Github Readme.

Demo Video

Quick start

Use docker-compose to start the application with frontend, backend and the database. Run the following command from the top level directory of the project:

docker-compose -f ./deployments/local.docker-compose.yml up -d

By default, this will start 3 container: A MongoDB container, a Ktor backend service and an nginx server hosting a React application. Next, go to localhost:3000 to open the web UI. You can modify the port by editing the local.docker-compose.yml and changing the activeannofrontend.ports mapping. (Then, you also need to add the new URL to the activeannobackend.CORS_HOSTS_LIST env variable.)


By default, the local.docker-compose.yml is configured for local run only, not for production purposes. Therefore, the authentication mechanism is disabled so that any username will automatically generate a super user account. Once opening localhost:3000, you will be redirected to localhost:3000/login and can provide any username you want. If you want to instantly see an example project, chose the username admin. For this user, an existing project with a project configuration as well as some example data is provided.

Login page on mobile


Navigation / Usage

Overview page on desktop / tablet

Overview Desktop

Overview page on mobile

Overview Mobile

  • As a super user, you can see all areas of ActiveAnno.
  • You can switch the language between English and German.

Manage page on desktop

Manage Desktop

  • To get a feel about the types of projects that can be created, navigate to the Manage page
  • You can see the existing Annotation Definitions from the example project. Look into them to see the possibilities
  • Additionally, you can see the example project below. Click on it to see the different configuration options
  • After that, you can go to the Annotate page and annotate some documents.

Annotate page on desktop / tablet (before annotating)

Annotate Desktop

Annotate page on desktop / tablet (after annotating)

Annotate Desktop selected

  • The example project is configured to require two annotators per document. Please go to the login page and logout. After that, login with testannotator1. Go back to the annotate page and annotate the same documents again.
  • After that, you want to use the Curate feature. For this, do the following:
    • The example project has another user defined as a curator, named testcurator.
    • Go to the User page and logout. Now, login with the username testcurator.
    • Go to the Curate page and view the annotation results previously created.

Curate page

Curate full view

  • The new user will now see the documents previously annotated under the Curate page (example project is configured to ALWAYS_REQUIRE_CURATION, this can be changed in the Manage section, so that no curator is necessary.)
  • As a curator, you can either accept the annotation result of an annotator, copy that annotators result and change it, or just annotate the document yourself.

Analyze results page

Analyze results full view

  • Once you did the curation work, you can analyze the results (duration, accuracy, IAA etc.)
  • For this, logout. Login again as admin. Go to Manage > Projects > Project Example project: App Reviews > "Analyze Results" Button
  • Click on "Start Analysis" (You can ignore the additional filter possibilities for now).
  • Now you can see duration, IAA, accuracy and every single correctness / agreement in a table.
  • Because the demo project has some dummy "generated" data for the SPAM annotation, you can also see the accuracy for the generator.

Use cases

  • One-off projects (Create project, upload documents, annotate (and optionally curate) annotations and download results via UI)
  • (Micro-)Service integration (Create project, push documents via REST interface, annotate (and optionally curate)), consume annotations via REST or send on finished via WebHooks
  • Single user: One person is creator of project and uses the application to annotate the documents
  • Multi user: Multiple annotators, optionally curators (or majority decision from annotators)
  • Crowd sourcing: A lof of annotators with a few (or no) curators
  • Algorithm only: Integrate multiple ML/NLP algorithms to annotate documents, build majorities through the application and curate differences with human in the loop (Active Learning)
  • Multi user with algorithms: Treat ML/NLP algorithms as users, combine with annotators and curators to annotate documents and generate new training data for algorithms (Active Learning)


Additionally to the endpoints of the backend used by the frontend, there are additional endpoints that are relevant, especially when ActiveAnno is used in a microservice context. Here, the endpoints are documented together with screenshots from Postman as an example of how to call the API.

Importing documents into ActiveAnno

There are two ways to get documents to annotate into the application. Either create a One-off project and upload the documents inside the Manage UI, or create a project for continuous annotation of streams of documents. For this, the Import API is available.

POST /api/v1/import/document

The endpoint is protected via JWT authentication and authorization. In a production setup, the user needs to have the role activeanno_producer (configurable via env variables). Typical use cases would be another service pushing data to this endpoint, or pushing data manually via curl, Postman etc. For both cases a JWT with this role is required. The endpoint accepts all json structures, json objects as well as json arrays of json objects. Therefore, it is even more important that only authorized users can push to that endpoint. The application has no assumption about how the json objects are structured. For example, you could push a document of the following structure:

  "comment": "some comment",
  "timestamp": 123456789000,
  "innerObject": {
     "innerKey": "some metadata"
  "uniqueID": 1

This document will be assigned a unique ID and be stored in a mongoDB instance. If you want to annotate this document, you need to create a project that applies a filter such that this document will be selected. Example filter for the document above

  "operator": "eq",
  "key": "uniqueID",
  "value": 1

Now, any document with unqiueID = 1 would be part of that project and will be shown to the annotators. You don't actually need to write that filter json yourself, it is possible to configure that inside the manage UI. Under the hood, it is just a Mongo Query {"uniqueID": {"$eq": 1}}. The reason the filter json structure is not directly the mongo query is that we gain type safety by modeling all allowed Mongo operations as classes in Kotlin. Also, the operator is used for polymorphic deserialization, making the transformation from JSON to the data structure inside the backend easy.

Screenshot Postman with POST to import endpoint - Authorization

Postman import 1

Screenshot Postman with POST to import endpoint - POST body and response (201 Created)

Postman import 2

In Postman, you need to set the Bearer Token to the Base64 encoded JWT. For testing purposes (with JWT verification disabled), go to and create a JWT with the payload

  "sub": "testproducer",
  "roles": [

This will be enough to push to that endpoint (or you can disable role protection via enviroment variables all together).

Exporting documents and annotations

The other relevant API is for exporting documents with their created annotations. For this, there are three ways. You can download all documents with the annotations from the Manage UI, you can use the REST API or webhooks. First, lets demonstrate the REST api.

GET /api/v1/export/project/{projectID}            // projectID, for example EXAMPLE_PROJECT_APP_REVIEWS
Optional get parameters:
includeUnfinished=true|false  // Include document that not yet have been fully annotated in the export
since=12345                   // UTC timestamp in millis, will include every document greater than or equal the timestamp (if includeUnfinished is true, will use the timestamp of the any existing annotation, if false, then from the officially chosen (by curator or algorithm) annotation 
documentIDs=ABC,DEF,GHI       // Ask for specific documents by their unqiue mongo ID. Comma separated string.

The authentication for this endpoint is configurable by the project. There is None, which means anybody can call this endpoint if they know the ID of the project. Then there is HTTP Basic Auth, where a username and password can be specified in the project config. The last one is the JWT role, which will work the same as above for the import, but with role activeanno_consumer by default.

Postman export 1

The full export result is stored under example_export.json.

For webhook exports, we need to define the WebHook configuration inside the Manage UI. There, you define a list of URLs where any new finalized document annotation result will be posted to. For this, you need to define a URL, a behavior how to handle a failure (retry on next finished or ignore), the export format and the kind of authentication required for the web hook. At the moment, no authentication and HTTP Basic Auth are supported, though an OAuth2 approach with clientID and clientSecret as well as token URL is planned to be supported in the future.

Access to newer features

Some newer features are currently only available through the API of ActiveAnno, not yet in the UI. This includes:

  • Customized layout options (colored buttons, bold text, etc.)
  • Annotation Generators (Machine Learning Integration)
  • Enable Conditions (Conditions between annotation definitions)

To have access to them, please refer to the documentation inside the api folder or use the JavaDoc / Dokka:

Production setup

For an actual production setup, some more steps are required. The first and biggest one is that an external Authentication service is necessary, if proper security is required. ActiveAnno uses JWT to authenticate and authorize users. Right now, no built-in user authentication is provided, as ActiveAnno is supposed to be used in a (Micro-)Service context, where authentication needs to work over multiple distributed services.

Authentication service integration

  • The authentication service needs an HTTP POST endpoint (which can be configured in the backend via an environment variable JWT_VALIDATION_URL). The request to the service will contain the header Authorization: Bearer <Base64 encoded JWT> and needs to return HTTP Status 200 if the token is still valid (anything else otherwise, returning 401 would be appropriate)
  • The service also needs an HTTP POST endpoint to generate the JWT. The URL can be set via an environment variable in the frontend application REACT_APP_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_URL. The body of the request will be a JSON with the keys username and password. Result should be a JSON with the key token and the value the already Base64 encoded JWT.
    • Sadly, the required format for the responses is not configurable. If your existing Authentication service does not match that structure, the best thing would be to clone the project and adjust the relevant parts where the token is received from the authentication service.
  • The frontend application will request a username/password if no JWT is stored in the frontend. The values will be sent to the authentication service and the JWT will be stored in the frontend. The token will be sent to the backend with each request, being validated by sending it to the authentication service. If the token expires, the backend will return a 401 and the user will be logged out and asked to provide username and password again.
  • Very important: By default, the backend environment variable JWT_VALIDATION_ACCEPT_ALL_TOKENS is set to true. Set this to false for a production scenario.
  • To enable interoperability with existing authentication services, the backend can configure:
    • The JWT key for username (what is used for authentication and unique identification of a user): JWT_USER_IDENTIFIER_KEY
    • The JWT key for a display name for the user JWT_USER_NAME (if not available, can be the same as JWT_USER_IDENTIFIER_KEY)
    • The JWT key under which an array of roles can be found JWT_ROLES_KEY (if no role checks should be done, can be set JWT_USE_ROLE_PROTECTION to false)
    • The string value inside the array of roles for identifying a user
      • as a basic user (JWT_ROLE_USER, can be annotator or curator),
      • manager of projects (JWT_ROLE_MANAGER),
      • admin over all projects (JWT_ROLE_ADMIN),
      • a producer of new documents (JWT_ROLE_PRODUCER, can access the import interface, should be given to JWT of another service if that service wants to push its data to ActiveAnno),
      • a consumer of documents (JWT_ROLE_CONSUMER, can call the REST interface. Only necessary if the REST interface should be authenticated)
      • or finally a user with global read-only access to all documents over all projects (JWT_ROLE_GLOBAL_SEARCH, normally search is restricted to the annotators, curators and managers of a project).
    • If your setup requires less fine grained control over roles, you could just have a single role value and set every role mentioned above to that value.

Development setup

When developing inside the project, you probably want to run the MongoDB in a container (use ./deployments/dev.docker-compose.yml), run the frontend via npm run start and the backend via ./gradlew run. Especially for the backend project, using IntelliJ to run the Ktor application (as well as the docker-compose file) makes things a lot easier.

To rebuild the backend docker image, first execute ./gradlew build and then docker build -t activeannobackend/v1 .. This will then use the newly generated build files.

Re-building the react application

As a web application in the browser actually has no environment variables, the environment variables used in the project are set at build time, not at deploy time. Therefore, if you want to change the default values of the environment variables, you need to rebuild the frontend yourself with the proper environment variable values. The web app has the following environment variables:


These are the default values. For production purposes, you would want to set REACT_APP_GENERATE_SUPERUSER_ON_LOGIN to false, then provide the URL to the authentication service by setting REACT_APP_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_URL. This is the endpoint that should return a JWT token for a username and password. The REACT_APP_ACTIVE_ANNO_SERVICE_URL value only needs to be changed if other parts of the docker-compose file about how the backend is exposed are changed. The REACT_APP_DATABASE name is the name of the web database and probably doesn't need to be changed.

To set the environment variables, edit the ./frontend/Dockerfile and add ENV key=value entries. Then rebuild the image locally. When you rebuild the project locally, you will also need to change the image reference inside the docker-compose file to the local rather than the remote image.

Configuring the backend service

Additionally to the environment variables related the authentication mentioned above, there are further ones that can be set inside the docker-compose file. Here is an overview:

PORT: 8080
HOST: ''
MONGO_CONNECTION: localhost:27017
CORS_HOSTS_LIST: 'localhost,localhost:3000,,'

These are the default values. For production purposes, you would probably set GENERATE_EXAMPLE_PROJECT to false, increase the logging level, enable HTTPS_REDIRECT, and potentially connect the service to an existing MongoDB. The CORS list might not always be necessary, but in the local deploy scenario, the URLs of the web page (localhost:3000) and the backend (localhost:8080) differ and thus CORS is necessary.


Actually, there are additional environment variables in the frontend for colorizing the web app.




With this, you can customize the UI to fit your UI requirements. The primary color is used for the header, some buttons etc. The secondary color is used to contrast the primary color, for example for buttons and icons where the background is in the primary color. The contrast text color is just the color for text such that it is readable when the background of that text is in the primary / secondary color. Lastly, there is the success color which is normally a kind of green.


The backend is written in Kotlin using the Ktor framework. The Dokka (JavaDoc equivalent) can be found on Github pages. To update the Dokka documentation, execute ./gradlew dokka. This will save the markdown files directly in the /docs path. Then commit the changes inside the /docs folder and push to github to update the Github pages site.

Project structure

The backend code is structured in the following packages

  • /annotationDefinition containts all the annotation definitions and generators
  • /api contains all the routing endpoints
  • /application contains the Application class, entry point to the application as well as the access to the application config
  • /common contains utility code as well as the security code for JWT verification
  • /project contains the Project, different view data classes on it and the DAO for it
  • /document contains the Document class with its DAO, and the models for storing the AnnotationResult for the documents
  • /user contains the User model and DAO as well as the Message model and DAO for communication between users


The frontend is written in Javascript/ES6, React and Redux.

Project structure

  • src/
    • index.js Entrypoint into the react application
    • types/ Most Flow types are defined here (Flow documentation)
    • language/dictionary.js Localization (currenty 2 languages, english and german are supported)
    • helper/ Helper functions
    • constants/ Constants, objects that represent types, enums etc.
    • api/ Network communcation with the backend
    • redux/ Redux application state management: Reducer, actions / actionCreator
    • components/ All the React UI elements
      • App.js React App root component
      • theme/Theme.js Material theme + additional JSS declarations for the whole app
      • pages/ Main sub areas of the application like login page, landing page, annotate page etc.
      • elements/ Smaller UI elements like LoginForm, Header etc.


ActiveAnno is under active development in open source.

New pages / views

  • Search page: Find documents (annotated and not annotated) for some project + additional parameters (full text search, time range, etc.)
  • Admin page: Global access to all configurations, users, documents. Might also move some application config that could be changed at runtime from the application.conf to an editable config in the UI.
  • Messages: In-app communication between annotators and curators
    • Annotators can escalate a document straight to the curator and add a message (Ask what to do here, explain why they could not annotate themselves)
    • Curators can give feedback to annotators, e.g. if something was annotated incorrect, attached to a specific document as context

Big features

  • Span-level annotations: Additionally to document-level annotations, enable annotations for specifics parts of a document text. Also allow for hybrid annotations which can be defined either on document- or span-level.
  • Hierarchical tag input: Right now, predefined tag inputs (like Sentiment scale, categories etc.) only allow one layer of depth. Hierarchical tag input would allow to specify a tag in a hierarchy like (Country > State > City)

Smaller features

  • Usability
    • Keyboard shortcuts (possibly configurable)
  • Better curation view with disagreement highlighting

Browser compatibility

WebAnno was mainly developed with Firefox, but it was also tested in an up-to-date version of Chrome and Safari.


Please submit any issues as Github issues in this repository. You are invited to submit merge requests to contribute to this project.

