Run AWS Lambda function locally! The most lightweight library - no external dependencies. Less than 200 lines of code.
Windows, Mac and Linux tested!
npm install -g aws-lambda-local
-f functionName | --function=functionName required Path to Lambda function main file
-e event | --event=event optional Either path to .json file contains event object or raw JSON data
-c contextPath | --context=contextPath optional Path to .json file contains context object
-t seconds | --timeout=seconds optional Force quit Lambda function after XX seconds
-h handler | --handler=exports.handler optional Module.exports.handler name. Default is first function from the module
Just specify function name
(can be in nested directory), event
object file.
Optionally you also may replace default context
object and timeout
(30 seconds by default).
$ cat function.js
exports.handler = function(event, context)
context.done(event, context);
// or
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {})
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback)
callback(null, dataToRetun);
exports.handler = function(event)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {})
Or even
exports.handler = async (event) =>
return 'ret';
Check the event object. You can create any set of input data (and use them for functional testing or something else)
$ cat event.json
"obj" : { "a" : "b" },
"int" : 1,
"str" : "qwerty",
"arr" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
$ lambda-local -f function -e event.json -t 20
"obj": {
"a": "b"
"int": 1,
"str": "qwerty",
"arr": [
"awsRequestId": "wn26j4dm-m8zd-d7vi-j94j-50t4zsjlwhfr",
"logGroupName": "/aws/lambda/function",
"logStreamName": "2015/11/12/[$LATEST]wn26j4dmtm8zd7vij94j50t4zsjlwhfr",
"functionName": "function",
"memoryLimitInMB": "128",
"functionVersion": "$LATEST",
"invokedFunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:aws-region:1234567890123:function:function",
"invokeId": "wn26j4dm-m8zd-d7vi-j94j-50t4zsjlwhfr"
Other ways to pass the input event:
$ lambda-local -f function -e event.json
$ lambda-local -f function -e '{"json":"here"}'
$ cat event.json | lambda-local -f function
$ echo '{"json":"here"}' | lambda-local -f function
CLI script will return non-zero exit code (1) in case of any failure.
If you missed to call context.succeed()|fail()|done() function and your Lambda function runs forever - just use timeout
Check out my aws-lambda-build package!