Build AWS Lambda package (.zip file) including npm modules. The most lightweight builder, no external dependencies except archiver. Easy to use!
Windows Mac and Linux tested.
It does the following:
- cd function directory
- npm install (if verbose > output)
- zip to provided (or generated) (if zip exists - delete it)
--function=functionName | -f functionName | Required. Path to directory that contains Lambda function
--archive=archiveName | -a archiveName | Zip archive where it will be packed. If not set - Function name will be used
--verbose | -v | Output more debug info. Useful for redirect it to log
--quiet | -q | No output at all. Watch the exit code
Next command will produce file in the current directory. This .zip file will contain code that is ready for uploading to AWS Lambda
$ lambda-build/ -f API/Function -n
$ lambda-build/ -f API/Function -n API-Function
Or even
$ lambda-build/ -f API/Function
Check out my aws-lambda-local package!