go-panic-catch is a simple middleware for golang web servers that recovers from panics and enables you to handle panics gracefully.
To get it:
go get github.com/matthewjamesboyle/go-panic-catch
And then to use it:
package main
import (
func main() {
fn := func(writer http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
panic("ut oh")
//something that satisfies panicHandler interface
slack := catchers.NewSlack("some-webhook-url")
server := &http.Server{
Handler: goCatch.PanicMiddleware(*slack, "recovering from panic will write this to slack", http.HandlerFunc(fn)),
It should also work with all the popular web servers such as gorillia mux and gin.
go-panic-catch currently comes with two "catchers" that handle panics.
- slack catcher - will write a message to slack everytime your web server panics
- log - Logs "message" every time there is a panic.
Want to implement your own handler? Simply implement the following interface:
type PanicHandler interface {
HandlePanic(message string) error
Some ideas for other handlers:
- email everytime there is a panic.
- increment a prometheus counter.
(contributions appreciated if you want to work on these)