Fasta-Region-Inspector (FRI) is a computational tool for analyzing somatic hypermutation.
This haskell script takes in variant information, corresponding region information, and ambiguity code string(s) to determine:
- Whether the user-defined variants are within 2 kb of the transcription start site (TSS) of the corresponding gene.
- All possible start locations of mapped ambiguity code strings within 2 Kb of TSS.
- Final list of user-defined variants that lie within an mapped ambiguity code string inside of a 2 Kb window of TSS of corresponding gene.
FRI outputs three files:
- variants.tsv - Outputs list of user-defined variants and corresponding region information and whether the variant is within 2 Kb (Y/N).
- ambiguity_codes.tsv - Outputs list of mapped ambiguity codes strings, along with corresponding region information, and all start locations where these mapped ambiguity code strings are found.
- variants_in_ambiguity_codes.tsv - Outputs final list of user-defined variants that are within 2 Kb of TSS of corresponding gene that lie within a mapped ambiguity code string.
Downstream analysis is left to the user, as the output files can easily be filtered using a scripting language like awk. Filtering on reference/alternate bases, strand orientation (1 vs. -1), and SYMBOL (gene) are some examples of ways to continue narrowing down the output of FRI. After filtering, basic statistics summarizing variants within ambiguity codes is fairly simple, and can give the user some perspective on which patient(s) phenotypes may be explained by somatic hypermutation.
String-searching plays a large role in this program, as it makes up an overwhelming proportion of the programs runtime. An implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt
algorithm provided by the stringsearch is used to find all possible locations of mapped ambiguity code strings across the 2 Kb window of the TSS.
The Knuth-Morris-Pratt
implementation was chosen as opposed to other string-searching algorithms like Boyer-Moore
or Rabin-Karp
due to its strength with low complexity search alphabets (ATGC).
Generating all posssible strings that match a regular expression is needed for this program, as the user defined ambiguity code string(s) can be thought of as regular expressions.
Thompson's construction algorithm can be used to create a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA) to solve this problem.
An example of transforming an ambiguity code string into a regular expression would be the following:
ambiguity code: <-> regular expression:
<-> [A|T][A|G]C[C|T]
FRI utilizes the sbv package to generate all possible strings from user-defined ambiguity code(s), which utilizes a theorem prover to construct a NFA.
fri.hs assumes you have a the GHC compiler and packages installed that it imports. The easiest way to do this is to download the Haskell Platform.
To install the peripheral packages fri.hs requires, you can call the following command assuming you have cabal, a package manager and build system for Haskell, installed on your system (it comes with the Haskell Platform).
$ cabal install [packagename]
Required packages
- Bio.Core.Sequence
- Bio.Sequence.Fasta
- Control.DeepSeq
- Data.ByteString
- Data.ByteString.Char8
- Data.ByteString.Lazy
- Data.ByteString.Search.DFA
- Data.Char
- Data.Functor
- Data.List
- Data.List.Split
- Data.Ord
- Data.SBV
- Data.SBV.String
- Data.SBV.RegExp
- Data.Traversable
- System.Console.GetOpt
- System.Process
- System.Environment
- System.Exit
- System.IO
- System.IO.Temp
- Text.PrettyPrint.Boxes
- Text.Regex.TDFA
FRI requires four inputs:
- Variant Input - This input tsv file needs to have the following fields:
This file hold all of the variant information.
- Region Input - This input tsv file needs to have the following fields:
This file holds all of the corresponding region information.
To create this file, you will typically take each variant of interest's corresponding ENST
, and query bioMart to return the following fields:
Gene stable ID
Transcript stable ID
Chromosome/scaffold name
Transcription start site (TSS)
Gene name
You can then subset this file to contain only fields Chromosome/scaffold name
, Transcription start site (TSS)
, Strand
and Gene name
- Ambiguity Codes String - This string argument describes the ambiguity codes to search for within the TSS of each gene.
The user may define as many ambiguity code strings as desired, but keep in mind, the more ambiguity codes you input, the more strings that need to be searched for within the TSS.
The string input is semicolon delimited and the string needs to start and end with a semicolon.
To following is an example string:
Assume the user wants to search for WRCY
and CCGY
in the TSS.
Ambiguity Code String -> ;WRCY;WRC;YYGG;CCGY;
FRI sees this as: ;[A|T][A|G]C[C|T];[A|T][A|G]C;[C|T][C|T]GG;CCG[C|T];
These mapped ambiguity code strings will be used for genes where the TSS is on the forward (1) strand.
FRI automatically calculates the reverse complement for each individual input ambiguity code string, so the following will also be taken into account given the input above:
So, FRI see this as: ;[A|G]G[C|T][A|T];[A|G]G[C|T];CC[A|G][A|G];[A|G]CGG;
These mapped ambiguity code strings will be used for genes where the TSS is on the reverse (-1) strand.
Please see for nucleotide ambiguity codes.
Please see examples for actual test Variant Input and Region Input.
- Fasta File - The argument is the fasta file used to string search against.
IMPORTANT: Make sure the naming conventions between the chromosome field in the region input matches that contained within the fasta file.
fri.hs is easy to use.
You can call it using the runghc command provided by the GHC compiler as such: (NOT RECOMMENDED)
$ runghc fri.hs -o "/path/to/output/directory/" all_sequences.fa fasta-region-inspection-region-input_final_final.tsv fasta-region-inspection-variants-input_final.tsv ";WRCY;WRC;YYGG;CCGY;"
For maximum performance, please compile and run the source code as follows: (RECOMMENDED)
$ ghc -O2 -o FRI fri.hs
$ ./FRI -o "/path/to/output/directory/" all_sequences.fa fasta-region-inspection-region-input_final_final.tsv fasta-region-inspection-variants-input_final.tsv ";WRCY;WRC;YYGG;CCGY;"
There is a know issue with FRI where you will get all three expected output files, but both ambiguity_codes.tsv and variants_in_ambigiuty_codes.tsv are empty (program stalls). This is a memory related issue, the function ambiguityCodesWithinRegionCheck is the culprit, as it performs a knuth-morris-pratt string search on each 2 Kb TSS chunk of the fasta for each mapped ambiguity code string per gene defined in the region input.
To remedy this, you need to provide more memory to FRI.
FRI has few different command line arguments:
Fasta Region Inspector, Copyright (c) 2020 Matthew Mosior.
Usage: fri [-vV?o] [Fasta File] [Region File] [Variant File] [Ambiguity Codes String]
-v --verbose Output on stderr.
-V, -? --version Show version number.
-o OUTDIRECTORY --outputdirectory=OUTDIRECTORY The directory path where output files will be printed.
--TSSwindowsize=TSSWINSIZE The size of the window of which to search each region from the TSS.
--help Print this help message.
The -v
option, the verbose
option, will provide a full error message.
The -V
option, the version
option, will show the version of fri
in use.
The -o
option, the outputdirectory
option, is used to specify the directory where output files will be printed.
The --TSSwindowsize
option specifies size of the window of which to search each region from the TSS (default: 2000 bp).
Finally, the --help
option outputs the help
message seen above.
A docker container exists that contains all the necessary software to run FRI: matthewmosior/fastaregioninspector:final
Documentation was added February 2020.
Author : Matthew Mosior