Assembly code for PIC16F887. This firmware receive a string from serial port and transmit the same string in reverse order.
Creation of a firmware that receives from the computer (via serial port) a word, as a sequence of ascii codes of the single characters. There word is terminated by a point and is of maximum length fixed a priori. After having received the word, the program must send it back to the serial port written in reverse order.
- PIC16F887
- Cedar PIC Board
- (For Windows) Install USB/serial converter FTDI driver
- Download the bootloader
Open main.asm in MPLAB X IDE and build.
- Open AN1310 Serial Bootloader
- Press "Break/reset application firmware"
- Press the reset button on the board
- Press "Bootloader mode"
- Press "Open" and click on the .hex file created into the dist folder.
- Press "Write device"
- Press "Run application firmware".