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The primary objective of this assignment is to help you get familiar with Ruby on Rails. Specifically, we would be building a simple CRUD Application.

Assignment Instructions

  1. Install Rails Gem
  2. Clone this repostory $ git clone <url>
  3. Design and Develop a Book Collection Application that should have four functionalities - Create, Read, Update, Delete a Book. Step enumerated below:
    • Create a book model with attributes - title (String), author (String), genre (String), price (Number), published-date (String)
    • Make the migrations to create a database table
    • Model your classes adhering to MVC design pattern.
    • On a high level the application should contain 5 views -
      • HomePage - Servers two purpose, first is to view all books, second is to contain handlers (button) to perform the CRUD functions.
      • Add a Book Page - contain a form with the configuration options, Note: published-date and genre should be drop-down menus.
      • Update a Book Page - prepopulated with the current details and can be updated.
      • Show Details Page - to view the details of the book.
      • Delete Page - should contain a confirmation message.
    • There should also be a flash notice popping up on the HomePage after performing each operation.
    • All the pages should have a link to the HomePage and the routes should be resourceful - REST Guidelines)
  4. Add your changes to the staging area $ git add .
  5. Commit your changes $ git commit -m "your commit message"
  6. Push the changes $ git push <remote> <branch>

References that could be useful

Ruby On Rails Linkedin

Ruby On Rails - HTTP, MVC and Routes


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