Immowealth is a project build to monitor your real estate investments with a simple easy to use UI. The application provides forecasts, simple analysis and a central data storage for all your real estate projects.
There are some more advanced features planned in the future, so this application will grow very fast and continously and will always have its users in focus.
- Real estate overview
- Credit rate auto booking
- value forecast
- Inflation based value calculations
- Real estate map
- Multiple currencies
- Rent expenses
- Document storage
- User Accounts
- Renter Communication
- Archive
This application itself is written in Kotlin (Quarkus) and Typescript (Next.js) but uses Docker for its hosting. Therefore the process of installation is quite easy.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Execute the docker compose:
docker-compose up -d
All chats messages do have live updates, except from renter chats.
There are many new features planned. You can find a little roadmap of planned future releases here:
- Upgrade to a Next version that supports React compiler
- Update log functionality and add everywhere
- Improve notification system (send to all users with access)
- Filter by favourite
- Fix of RenterService tests
- Full UNIT test coverage (all classes, doesn`t matter how simple they are => more complex edge-cases)
- Subtenants
- Favourites as filter in frontend views
- Immo portal search
- Object location watchlist
- Add support for measured object prices
- Tabs are saved in URI
- Backend translations
- 2FA
- Rent spread suggestions by fixes rules
- Validation of emails and other fields with strict rules
- Data backup functionality
- Mail templates to send
- Service User Accounts (for automated access)
- External API for other systems to make integration easier
- Ability to insert some data about the current renter (bank, reliability)
- Rentability calculations
- Auto collect market value change data
- Add balance sheet calculation
- New password rule validation
- Translation test coverage
- Add code quality linting with Prettier and eslint and also for kotlin
- Login with LDAP
- Assign chat to specific people
- Profile picture upload
- TAX calculations
- Extended chat functionality
- Configure Chat Socket keep alive
- Clone repo
git clone
- Generate keys
openssl genrsa -out rsaPrivateKey.pem 2048
openssl rsa -pubout -in rsaPrivateKey.pem -out publicKey.pem
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -inform pem -in rsaPrivateKey.pem -outform pem -out privateKey.pem
- Setup your PostgreSQL DB
- Build the code and start developing