thanks for checking back. Please find all presentions and contact information in this repository. We would be really happy to welcome you in our teams for an internship or thesis project for #FuturePlants!
- Mary-Ann Blätke - "Bioinformatics & Computational Biology in Plant Sciences at IPK Gatersleben" [slides]
- Jedrzej Szymanski - "Bioinformatics People at IPK Gatersleben" [slides]
- Student Projects
Bioinformatics and Information Technology - Dr. Uwe Scholz 
#Bioinformatics #ComputerScience #DataMangement #FAIR #SequenceAnalysis
Domestication Genomics - Dr. Martin Mascher
#PopulationGenetics #Genomics #GWAS #Biodiversity
Genebank Documentation - Dr. Stephan Weise
#GeneBankInformationSystem #PlantGeneticResources #Biodiversity
Image Analysis - Dr. Evgeny Gladilin
#ImageAnalysis #MachineLearning #DeepLearning
Integrated Mechanistic Models - Dr. Mary-Ann Blätke 
#MetabolicModelling #Photosynthesis #GraphTheory #PlantDevelopment #Integratomics
Metabolic Systems Interactions - Dr. Nadine Töpfer 
#MetabolicModelling #Photosynthesis
Network Analysis and Modelling - Dr. Jedrzej Szymanski 
#NetworkAnalysis #GraphTheory #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #Genomics
IPK Crop Plant Research Fellowships
Feel free to use the issues to ask your questions!