Aim of this project was to build ATM machine software and a REST API server with database to store bank-related data. These softwares were programmed using techniques learned with Express.js, MySQL and Qt before this project course. Part of the aim was also handle project like a real world software project (only a lighter version) where are two parties involved: software deliverer and the customer.
Full documentation is not attached to this project page. Only the essential ones are attached e.g. ER-diagram, component diagram and class diagrams. Following planning and documenting steps were made during the planning phase:
- Pre-study
- Project contract with the customer
- Functional description (includes use cases, user stories and ER-diagram)
- Technical implementation description (includes UML component diagram and class diagram)
- Final report
- MySQL Data storage
- Express.js REST API server
- Qt ATM software and graphical user interface