- bone mealing such as the player can do
- unsing tools to harvest, break or modify blocks
- enable or disable every feature in an inventory GUI
- set permissions for every feature
- all types of flowers to duplicate them (like tall flowers)
- nether sprouts into warped roots
- azalea leaves into flowering azalea leaves
- dead bush into random sapling
- sugar cane and cacti to make them grow (like bamboo)
- vines to make them grow (like weeping vines)
- nether warts to make them grow (like other crops)
- dirt into grass blocks
- netherrack into warped or crimson nylium (random) (dirt and netherrack bone mealing can overlap)
- candles and pickles with empty hand to reduce it's amount
- carved pumpkin with a torch to turn it into a jack o lantern
- jack o lantern with empty hand to turn it into a carved pumpkin
- all types of full grown crops with empty hand to harvest and replant
- break grass, tall grass, fern and large fern a hoe to get better drops
- break leaves with a hoe to get better drops (drops increase with fortune enchantment)
- sneak around crops and saplings to make them grow faster (saplings won't grow into trees yet and instead send a chat message)
- on crops to make them grow faster
- on grass to make it grow into tall grass
- on azalea to turn it into a flowering azalea
- on farmland to make it wet
- on dirt to turn it into grass block
- on grass blocks to grow grass and plants on it
- on crops to make them shrink or instantly die
- on flowers to kill them, turn them into mushrooms or with a small chance into a wither rose
- on saplings to turn them into dead bushes
- on dirt to turn it into mycelium
- on grass blocks to turn it into mycelium or dirt
- on tall grass to turn it into grass