Get started with ORY authentication quickly and easily.
This project is work in progress. There is no guarantee that everything will work as it should and breaking changes in the future are possible.
The goal of this project is to create an easy-to-use setup to self-host Ory Kratos and Ory Hydra. It will contain an authentication UI, implementing all self-service flows for Ory Kratos and Ory Hydra, as well as an admin UI. All UI components are written in NextJS and Typescript, and styled using shadcn/ui and TailwindCSS.
Start the backend services using Docker Compose:
cp /docker/ory-dev/.env.example /docker/ory-dev/.env
docker compose -f docker/ory-dev/docker-compose.yaml up -d
# optional to test consent flow
sh docker/ory-dev/
Then start the authentication UI using npm:
cd authentication
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npm run dev
The authentication UI is already implemented and working. It supports all self-service flows for Ory Kratos and Ory Hydra. It is implemented in a way, that customizing style and page layout is very easy.