R-package to create diagnostic plots of nested lme models
Provides a convenience function to create diagnostic plots for the grouping elements in the random effects in a lme object. Creates plots per group of either the within-group residuals for each random effect, standardised vs fitted values or qq plots.
help(package = lmediaplots)
for details on the functions provided by this package.
Installation straight from github (if package "devtools" is already installed) via
Installation under Windows might require the installation of Rtools.
Based on a model from Pinheiro, Bates (2000) Mixed-Effect Models in S and S-PLUS. Springer.
fm1Machine <- lme(score ~ Machine, data = Machines, random = ~ 1 | Worker/Machine)
lmediaplots(fm1Machine, plottype = "resvfit")
lmediaplots(fm1Machine, plottype = "qq")
lmediaplots(fm1Machine, plottype = "qq")[1]