Project-30 is my first attempt to build an functional Angular2 app, with Firebase as a backend. The purpose of the app is to help people to build better habits. This is accomplished through a commitment for 30 days to one specific behaviour. It could be running, taking a cold shower, reading or taking a photo everyday.
All it takes is commitment and willpower.
Have fun! :)-
Add a new challenge
Just click on the New challenge button in the top nav
Complete a challenge
To track your progress on today's challenge, navigate to My Challenges and click on the complete button of the challenge
Edit a challenge
To edit Title, Description and Experience navigate to My Challenges and click on the edit button of the challenge
Edit Progress of a challenge
To alter completed days navigate to My Challenges, select the particular challenge and tap on the days at the diary section, which sould be toggled.
To enjoy a clean performance of the app, use Google Chrome.
PW: 123456