Deprecation note: As GTA Online will no longer receive updates, autobet will also no longer receive feature updates, only bug fixes and security patches.
A simple GTA Online horse racing betting bot.
Basically a script which automatically places bets on horses which are likely to win in the Inside Track inside GTA Online's Casino. This should make you about $250K per hour (afk).
Us this software at your own risk. It's not guaranteed you'll make money or anything close to the advertised values. You might lose money. You are solely responsible for all your actions, including any money lost or gained using this program. This also includes any bans by rockstar games. Also, as the license states, this software is provided with no kind of warranty, thus, any money lost through bugs in the software will not be refunded. But feel free to create a new issue in order to resolve any issues with the program.
Never invest real money through shark cards or other forms of money transfer into this game for gambling reasons. If you are underage, you should neither play this game nor gamble in any shape or form. If you feel the urge to invest money after losing some amount, please consult help. For more information on gambling addiction, read this article by the NHS.
- A fully-featured User Interface with statistics, settings and more:
- A web interface to control autobet on the go with SSL
and Notification Support:
In general, you'll need a System, which is able to run GTA alongside a Web Browser. Recommended Specs:
- A x64 CPU with at least 4 Cores
- At least 8GB of RAM
- 400MB of Storage
- Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables (x64) for
- For this to work, you need at least 100.000 chips in-Game.
- Navigate on the betting computers to the betting screen
Press the 'start' button on the UI (a countdown will start, giving you time to head back into the game) or use the Key combination
. You can also use that combo to stop the program from doing its thing. Using the comboCTRL+SHIFT+F9
you can always kill the program instantly. Just make sure the game is your active ( selected) window (you should basically be able to move the cursor in-Game on the betting screen) -
After starting, the script will automatically bet, refresh the screens and earn about 300k - 500k per hour (more like ~250k after patch 1.50). Fully AFK. Please don't move your mouse after the script has started, otherwise it will stop working and you'd have to restart the script. This is a fail safe mechanism so it won't do any damage if the mouse for some reason doesn't move as expected. Be aware that Rockstar Games might ban you and will ban you after making a lot of money (about 10 - 20 mil) for a week from betting.
BTW, this script does not use any glitches or inject code into the game. Just plain taking-over-your-mouse-action. Keep in mind that there's no guarantee that Rockstar will not ban you for using this script. It is pretty unlikely for them to do so but it might happen.
If this is not enough for you, there are methods to make more money and videos explaining how to do so.
And nobody cares about your screen resolution, you just have to follow the steps described above. You can also use windowed mode. And the minimum (supported) resolution is 720p. Plus a 16:9 aspect ratio is required. If your screen does not support it, play the game in windowed mode rather than fullscreen mode
Demonstration video if there is something not clear by now
Stranger Danger. You've heard this right? Yeah, No. Me neither. But if you don't trust your shady software dealer in the back corner of the github software party, that's totally fine. To compile it yourself, take a look at the wiki pages.
Well, I'm not amazon or similar, so I can't give you a refund on a already free product, but if you don't like it, uninstalling is free.
If something does not work on the other hand, feel free to leave a Github issue in the issues section, it's free. But make sure to include at least a description of the error and a log file. Take a look at the wiki pages on debugging for further information.
Chances of getting a response are somewhat high, so just give it a try. Again, it's free.
Since there is not way to show if you like software... Good for you.
Great to hear!
No, you don't.
You can now use the Github discussions feature to give feedback or ask questions, if you want to.
Pick the newest version under the Releases section.
Installing the program may also be a great Idea.