a program for the german lottery "pick 6 out of 49" system. A goal is manage the own numbers and the numbers of the drawing.
input of the own numbers and draw numbers with date and save in a database (sqlite). load a numbers from the database
change and remove data sets. compare the own numbers with the draw numbers.
The program requires Python 3.x and Qt5 for Python.
Start with:
The layout (lotto_dateneing.ui) can be manipulated using the Qt designer.
Make the documentation as .pdf file:
epydoc pylotto.pyw lotto --pdf
To translate the program or make a translation in your language, insert in the complete.pro your language code.
cd lotto
pylupdate5 complete.pro
translate your language file: pylv_xx.ts, and produce the .ts translation files with
lrelease complete.pro
usage: archerrank2.py [-h] [-db DATABASE] [-l LANGUAGE] [-log {1,2,3,4,5}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-db DATABASE, --database DATABASE
file of the database
-l LANGUAGE, --language LANGUAGE
ISO code of language, de for Germany
-log {1,2,3,4,5} logging level
Das Programm benötigt Python 3.x und Qt5 für Python dazu.
Start mit:
python lotto.pyw
Das Layout (lotto_dateneing.ui) kann mit den Qt-Designer bearbeitet werden.
Dokumentation als as .pdf Datei erstellen lassen:
epydoc pylotto.pyw lotto --pdf