FullStacking was a project made for a job's challenge which consists in a meeting's calendar mobile app: users can create events and add them on a public list. Technologies used: React-Native, KoaJS, GraphQL and MongoDB
I've registered this project's progress in this FullStacking Series, check them out ;D
I've worked in this project for 4 weeks with some breaks. It still has some workarounds and several pitfalls, but it's a cool first project using GraphQL, a technology I was very curious since I've started working with web development. This project is inactive for them moment.
I've worked with React Native, GraphQL, Relay, KoaJS, Mongoose and MongoDB and practiced database connections, testing, security and debugging.
I'd like to thanks @jgcmarins
, @Thomazella
and @jaburcodes
for all the help they've given during this project (really, thank you!)
- New Challenge: Fullstacking with React Native
- Fullstacking: Setting up MongoDB
- Fullstacking: Setting up React Native
- Fullstacking: Setting up NodeJS + KoaJS
- Fullstacking: Connecting NodeJS ↔ MongoDB
- Fullstacking: GraphQL ↔ KoaJS
- Fullstacking: Restructuring the project
- Fullstacking: Relay + GraphQL
- Fullstacking: Creating the app
- Fullstacking: Users + Login/Register
- Fullstacking: Pagination + DataLoader
- Fullstacking: Final Styling
- Fullstacking: Conclusion
Node, npm, MongoDB, React Native CLI, OpenJDK, Android Studio and AndroidSDK.
Some of these may differ according to your system. Check these posts for instructions.
sudo service mongod start
yarn start:server
yarn start:app
yarn redirect
yarn shake # to simulate a shake and manually reload the app
yarn redirect # to redirect ports
yarn relay # to generate files need to relay (app only)
yarn update-schema # to update graphql.schema (server only, copy to app's graphql.scema)