Unity Editor (.Net 3.5), Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8 plugin libraries for LitJson https://github.com/lbv/litjson
Latest code taken from this commit: https://github.com/lbv/litjson/commit/89051bc46b52109550cb1422716e95f9c30400c8
This should be a drop in replacement for LitJson within a Unity project.
Build the solution and copy the resultant dlls into the following folder structure in your Unity project EXACTLY as follows:
MarkerMetro.Unity.LitJsonUnity Project > /Assets/Plugins/LitJson.dll
MarkerMetro.Unity.LitJsonMetro Project > /Assets/Plugins/Metro/LitJson.dll
MarkerMetro.Unity.LitJsonWP8 Project > /Assets/Plugins/WP8/LitJson.dll
Note there is a dependency on https://github.com/MarkerMetro/MarkerMetro.Unity.WinLegacy
Latest binaries referenced from following commit and stored in /References in this repository https://github.com/MarkerMetro/MarkerMetro.Unity.WinLegacy/commit/b55b47bbbd2695739ddb83b2f37a232f8d9e7c1b