author: Marian Vasile, Dec 2012
This component paginates an ajax database service, with a single HTML line, and some CSS.
Steps for integration:
In your listing HTML file add this line to the top and the bottom of the actual listing div or table
<paginator current-page="{{ listing.current_page }}" total_pages="{{ listing.total_pages }}" call="searchListing" wclass="current_page"></paginator>
Adjust the code in your Angular controller for the paginator scope (the same scope as the listing itself) to pass the page to $resource
- see the repapp-controller.js for instructions
On the services side make sure to return the listing in this JSON format:
{"current_page": 0, "total_pages": 14, "rows": [{ {<your_data_here}, {<your_data_here} }] }
Modify the CSS to format the page numbers
TODO: Need to create Jasmine tests