My studies at the MFF UK in Prague 2021 - 2024.
1 semester:
- Sudoku - simple game (Python)
- First site - simple site (HTML,CSS)
2 semeter
- Pacman - Game in Unity (C#, Unity, Adobe Illustrator)
- Linux - Tasks (Python, bash)
3 semester
- Articles Site (PHP, JS)
4 semester
- Entity Inspector - VSCode Extension. Year project that turns into a bachelor's work (NodeJS, TypeScript)
- Echolalia - Mobile application. C# year project (C#, Xamarin, SQLite, Figma)
- Web-Crawler - Advanced web team project (TypeScript, NodeJS, Svelte-kit, ModgoDB, Docker)
- Statistical work - Statistical analysis of a dataset that explores various health-related factors (Jupyter Notebook, Python 3.11 with libraries: pandas, matplotlib, scipy)
5 semestr
6 semestr