A basic weather bot.
For support click the discord button above to join the support server.
Invite the bot: https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=434112673072807936&permissions=536947712&scope=bot
!weather <city/zipcode>
- Displays weather based on the closest city near your zip code/city. To do a city name you must do it the way i have it typed out or it will not work. <!weather baltimore,md,us>
and cities with two words you must do this <!weather severna+park,md,us>
Also some city names do not work, so keep trying until one does. Its not the bot, its the OpenWeatherMap API.
- Displays info about EAS.
- Displays help about the bot.
- Pings the bot to see if it is responding.
!say [text]
- Will make the bot say something
Displays invite link to invite the bot to a discord server.
Web/Image Search