Python Begginer to Intermediate Course materials and tasks for my students
Hi, I'm Mateusz Dorobek. I'm student of Data Science at Warsaw University of Technology. I'm Python programmer with strong technical background, and I like to teach people. I've created a repository Python-Course with materials and tasks for my students. I'm using python in my everyday work as a tool for building aplications, webscrapping, artificial intelligence, music and many other interesting stuff. Check out my Begginer to Intermediate Course.
If you want to be my student:
- visit my profile on E-korepetycje
- write me an email:
- contact me via: LinkedIn
- checout my website:
Installation of python environment is way easier when doing it with virtual environment manager such as MiniConda. For proper installation follow these steps:
Install MiniConda from here (choose version for Python 3.7)
After installation press "Win" button and type "Anaconda prompt". In Anaconda command line type:
$ conda -V
Make sure that you have the newest version of conda, otherwise, update conda using:
$ conda update conda
Our tutorial requires you to install GIT. Select Git Bash during installation and use this command line when using GIT. At first use there will be pop up to enter your GitHub login data.
After you install GIT, follow these steps:
Fork this repo using button at the bottom of this page
Clone forked repository to your local machine using:
$ git clone<YOUR_USERNAME>/Python-Course.git
Pull Request from mine GitHub repo to your fork everytime that I've uploaded new tasks, and then Pull the changes to your local machine. Your master needs to be up to date.
$ git pull origin master
If you configured your git branch properly, you can start working on tasks.
After you've changed some files you have to add it to your staging area using:
$ git add [file]
or to add all files
$ git add .
When you add all wanted files, you can save added file to your local repository with:
$ git commit -m "commit message"
If you want to send changes to GitHub repository use
$ git push
as mentioned above. -
If you want to start working with new task use
$ git pull origin master
command to make sure you have recent version of repository on your local machine.
For our tutorial we will use Jupyter Notebook as our IDE, but there are a lot of alternatives such as Pycharm, Spyder, Visual Studio Code etc.
To open Jupyter Notebook file (such as Introduction.ipynb):
Open Anaconda Prompt, it should look like this:
(base) C:\Users\John>
(base) - means that you have active base environment.
Go to your file location e.g.:
cd C:\Users\John\Desktop\Python-Tutorial
Then type:
jupyter notebook
* click help tab and learn shortcuts to work with Jupyter faster.
- Lesson 1 - Introduction
- Lesson 2 - Containers Part I - Lists & Tuples
- Lesson 3 - Conditional Instructions & Operators
- Lesson 4 - Loops
- Lesson 5 - Containers Part II - Dictionary & Set
- Lesson 6 - String Formatting
- Lesson 7 - Functions
- Lesson 8 - Lambdas
- Lesson 9 - Classes
- Lesson 10 - Inheritance
- GIT - installation file
- Miniconda - installation file
- W3Schools - some of examples
- Tutorialspoint - some of examples
- Learnpython - some of examples