Home Cooker is a web site that aims to provide its customers with the experience of cooking from home,
with a selection of delicious recipes made by chefs or experts in the kitchen,
allowing users the possibility to interact.
Using the methodology the Restful API, flask, Python, MysqlAlchemy and Mysql.
HomeCooker - Final project files:
File | Description |
console.py | Command line interpreter. |
logo.png | Logo image. |
api/ | Contains all configuration of the RestFul API. |
landing-page/ | Contains files for the landind page. |
models/ | Contains the definition of all the models use in the project. |
MySQL_setup/ | Contains configuration files the database and the developer user. |
web_flask / | Contains files and configuration for the web site. |
tests/ | Contains unittests for the project. |
README.md | Readme file. |
AUTHORS | Autors file. |
Clone the repositoy below:
git clone https://github.com/MarcoANT9/Homecooker.git
Console activation -> ./console in the root directory.
Console commands:
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
EOF all create destroy help quit show update
Function | Funcionality | Format | Example |
EOF | Exit the program. | EOF | EOF |
all | Prints all string representation of all instances based or not on the class name. | all <class_name - optional> | all user |
create | Creates a new instance of BaseModel, save and print the id. | create <class_name> (arguments) | create user email=example@example.com user_type=1 password=password_example |
destroy | Deletes an instance based on the class name and id. | destroy <class_name> <element.id> | destroy user user.id |
help | Help function. | help <command - optional> | help |
quit | Exit the program. | quit | quit |
show | Prints the string representation of an instance based on the class name and id. | show <class_name> <element.id> | show user user.id |
update | Updates an instance based on the class name and id by adding or updating attribute. | update <class_name> <element.id> attribute=value |
echo 'create User email="<user_email>" last_name="<user_last_name>" first_name="<user_first_name>" website="<user_website>" nickname="<user_nickname>" user_type=<user_type> password="<user_password>"' | HMCR_MYSQL_USER=[MySQL_USER] HMCR_MYSQL_PWD=[MySQL_USER_PASSWORD] HMCR_MYSQL_HOST=[MySQL_USER_HOST] HMCR_MYSQL_DB=[MySQL_DATABASE] HMCR_TYPE_STORAGE=[STORAGE_TYPE] ./console.py
Varible | Description |
This is the user email; mandatory. | |
last_name | User last name. |
first_name | User first name. |
website | User website or YouTube channel. |
user_type | User type number, chef or general user; mandatory (1 = chef |
password | User password; mandatory |
echo 'create Recipe user_id="<chef_id>" name="<recipe_name>" text="<recipe_procedure>" review=<recipe_review> ingredients="<recipe_ingredients>"' | HMCR_MYSQL_USER=[MySQL_USER] HMCR_MYSQL_PWD=[MySQL_USER_PASSWORD] HMCR_MYSQL_HOST=[MySQL_USER_HOST] HMCR_MYSQL_DB=[MySQL_DATABASE] HMCR_TYPE_STORAGE=[STORAGE_TYPE] ./console.py
Varible | Description |
user_id | User id from the database. |
name | Recipe name; mandatory. |
text | Recipe procedure; mandatory. |
review | This is a number (1-5). |
ingredients | Recipe ingredients; mandatory. |
echo 'create Review user_id="<user_id>" recipe_id="<recipe_id>" text="<review_text>" rating=<recipe_rating>' | HMCR_MYSQL_USER=[MySQL_USER] HMCR_MYSQL_PWD=[MySQL_USER_PASSWORD] HMCR_MYSQL_HOST=[MySQL_USER_HOST] HMCR_MYSQL_DB=[MySQL_DATABASE] HMCR_TYPE_STORAGE=[STORAGE_TYPE] ./console.py
Varible | Description |
user_id | User id from the database. |
recipe_id | Recipe id from the database. |
text | Recipe comments; mandatory. |
rating | Recipe rating - number (1-5); mandatory. |
Link: About
- Github: MarcoANT9
- Twitter: @MarcoAnt9127
- Github: Jesus-Acevedo-Cano
- Twitter: @JessAcevedoCan1
- Github: Noah172
- Twitter: @Garcianoahh
- Github: zulsb
- Twitter: @LuzSanchezB
Cohort 10 Colombia - Cali - 2020