Parametric modelling functions that can be found in MATLAB... now in Python! (AR, ARMA, frequency response modeling) The idea is to have all the functions listed at:
Right now we have:
arburg Autoregressive (AR) all-pole model parameters estimated using Burg method
- Working thanks to spectrum arburg (
arcov Estimate AR model parameters using covariance method
- Working thanks to spectrum arcovar (
armcov Estimate AR model parameters using modified covariance method
- Working thanks to spectrum modcovar (
aryule Estimate autoregressive (AR) all-pole model using Yule-Walker method
- Working thanks to spectrum aryule (
invfreqs Identify continuous-time filter parameters from frequency response data
- Working thanks to a file found at
invfreqz Identify discrete-time filter parameters from frequency response data
- Not working :( whenever polystab function in spectrum is implemented this file can be finalized easily (it's nearly done!)
prony Prony method for filter design
- Working thanks to... me!
stmcb Compute linear model using Steiglitz-McBride iteration
- Working thanks to... me!
Also I needed to implement:
- convmtx Convolution matrix
- Working thanks to... me!
Developed using Python 2.7, Eclipse + PyDev, MATLAB R2013a 64 bits
- Using numpy 1.6.1 (from ubuntu debs, using Ubuntu 12.04 64 bit)
sudo apt-get install numpy
- Using scipy 0.13.1 (upgraded it from Ubuntu debs as I needed newer functions and some bugfixes)
sudo pip install scipy
- Using spectrum 0.5.6
sudo pip install spectrum
I wanted to use/integrate in: python_control, using a checkout of the most updated branch, can be found at:
But I don't have time for now.
- For testing purposes using matlabpipe from python-mlabwrap
This great library lets you execute MATLAB code from Python (easily! check the tests
This is a fork from the work of Filipe Fernandes which he forked from
git clone
cd python-mlwrap
sudo python install
Thanks to this tool I can test the behaviour of my functions versus the MATLAB functions and also give the same input data without needing to implement lots of other functions.
- Also another incredible tool is libermate
A MATLAB to Python code translator which doesn't do all the job but helps
I've rehosted it now in Github to give it more visibility and add it's README to it and my advice on how to use it if you ever want to translate a MATLAB script to Python.
Note: I haven't tried it, but you may want to try: for the automatic MATLAB->Python translation
- Use libermate for making a quick automatic translation
python ~/my_path_to/my_matlab_script.m
If you have problems check my file:
Correct other errors (many mentioned in notes_on_using_libermate.txt), use for helping yourself
Check little pieces of code executing in MATLAB the same line using Use any of my test files as an example on how to execute code and recover variables (structs and cells have some problems).
Keep a iPython open to check little doubts (numpy arrays don't behave the same as MATLAB matrices)
Use some IDE on Python to ease your life looking at how to use functions and correcting coding errors, I recomend Eclipse + PyDev
Eclipse (Standard 4.3.1 as of writing)
PyDev plugin (Instructions on how to install)
You may need to update Java, here you have a nice tutorial on that: