This repo is how we, in the Learning & Intelligent Systems Lab, operate our robots. We decided for a spline-based convention to command motion (in class BotOp), which turned out the cleanest interface to our motion optimization methods, and now also MPC methods.
This repo is really our working environment, is not clean, contains much outdated code, and might be too specific for others to use, but we're happy to share. When run without hardware, the BotOp interface can emulate/simulate any robot (e.g., found in rai-robotModels).
See the robotic python package for a python wrapper.
The rai module contains our actual algorithmic code base (data structures, optimizers, kinematics, KOMO, LGP, etc).
We don't use ROS at all anymore.
This assumes a standard Ubuntu, tested on 18.04, 20.04, and latest docker. (When compiling in a docker, perhaps export APTGETYES="--yes"; alias sudo=""
The following assumes $HOME/git as your git path, and $HOME/.local to install 3rd-party libs -- please stick to this (no system-wide installs). The following installs basic ubuntu packages (used by external packages and botop):
sudo apt update sudo apt install --yes \ g++ clang make cmake curl git wget \ liblapack-dev libf2c2-dev libqhull-dev libeigen3-dev libann-dev libccd-dev \ libjsoncpp-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libpoco-dev libboost-system-dev portaudio19-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libhidapi-dev \ libx11-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libglfw3-dev libglew-dev freeglut3-dev libpng-dev libassimp-dev mkdir -p $HOME/git $HOME/.local
External libraries: You can skip librealsense and libfranka if you disable below. To standardize installations, I use a basic install script (have a look, if you have concerns what it does).
export MAKEFLAGS="-j $(command nproc --ignore 2)" wget; chmod a+x ./ fcl ./ physx ./ librealsense ./ libfranka ## for OLD frankas instead: ./ -v 0.7.1 libfranka
You can skip this, if you disable pybind11 below.
sudo apt install --yes python3-dev python3 python3-pip python3 -m pip install --user numpy pybind11 pybind11-stubgen # add the following to your .bashrc, if not done already echo 'export PATH="${PATH}:$HOME/.local/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc echo 'export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:$HOME/.local/lib"' >> ~/.bashrc
Finally, clone and compile this repo:
cd $HOME/git git clone --recurse-submodules cd botop export PY_VERSION=`python3 -c "import sys; print(str(sys.version_info[0])+'.'+str(sys.version_info[1]))"` cmake -DUSE_BULLET=OFF -DUSE_OPENCV=OFF -DPY_VERSION=$PY_VERSION . -B build #options: disable USE_LIBFRANKA USE_REALSENSE USE_PYBIND USE_PHYSX make -C build/
Optionally install lib, headers, and binaries to ~/.local
make -C build/ install
Test the things in test/
bot -sim -loop
The user needs to be part of the
unix group:sudo usermod -a -G realtime <username> sudo usermod -a -G dialout <username>
You need to log out and back in (or even reboot) for this to take effect. Check with groups
in a terminal.
- Turn on the power switch at the control box
- Open the panda web interface at
. Accept the security risk. You'll need to log in with usermti
and passwdmti-engage
- Unlock the joints
- Perform a series of tests
bot -close
bot -open
bot -home
bot -loop
Use a separate repository for your own code
Place the repository in $HOME/git (parallel to ~/git/botop)
In a working directory with your
place the followingMakefile
- and compileBASE = ../../botop/rai include $(BASE)/build/
If you have more cpp-files, you can add
OBJS = main.o code.o etc.o
Otherwise, use your own build system and just link with
bot -open -close
bot -home
bot -loop -speed 2
bot -float
bot -hold
bot -damp