Welcome !
God Games is battle arena game, built with unity
and C#
Using your computer with controller or not and enter into the god's arena !!
You can choose the IDE you whant, but you need to have VSCode or visual Studio IDE.
Since it's a C#-Based project, due to unity you need to install some stuff on your computer:
- macOS: Install Unity you also need to install a special compiler with you want to test your c# out of the box.
- Windows: Note that you can't run iOS app on windows. Install Unity as package manager and install the following dependencies:
- Linux: Follow the install instructions for your linux distribution to install Unity.
First you need to clone the repository: Do not forget to upload your SSH Key into github and having the right access.
And switch to implementation branch
git checkout implementation
Remember to always update your local repo.
When everything is installed, if you want to run it directly into Unity Editor Or install the binary file that you can find into our Amazon S3 solution
Travis will automatically test your code. But you always need to add unit test and respecting our coding style. We can check our configuration through travis or directly into configuration files.
When all test are good Travis build and upload the last build into the right bucket in Amazon S3
On the way, our team work hard to host and describe the best our games.
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
Every success build is a new iteration of the version. But Master and Dev branch will stay stable.
- Junique Virgile - Initial contributor - Junique Virgile
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is no licensed - it's a completely private project.