This is modded version of AlternativaEditor (Tanks map editor)
Main features:
- Hardware acceleration support - this editor uses Alternativa3D 7.11 which provides much better performance because of GPU rendering
This editor is still under development, and doesn't support some features that were in the original version. It mainly caused by 3D engine upgrade.
To run the editor you need to install AIR 51.
Project is configured to compile in VS Code with ActionScript & MXML Plugin.
You will need Flex 4.9 + AIR 51 SDK. Here are the steps how to make it:
- Download Apache Flex SDK Installer from the official website. Open the installer, select version 4.9.1, and download it.
- Download Adobe AIR+Flex SDK from here. You need 'AIR SDK for Flex Developers - to be overlaid onto a Flex SDK'.
- Copy all files from AIR SDK into Flex SDK.
Done. Now select this combined SDK in VSCode and compile the project.