This repo contains install and import scripts to host a regional part of a vector tile server backed by Openstreetmap data, currently used by the StreetComplete App.
currently only tested on a Debian Testing (Debian Buster) Server
copy to and change if needed
install dependencies, database user and some needed files:
Copy and modify systemd file:
sudo cp tileserver-gunicorn@.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/tileserver-gunicorn@.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
add a User to the Database:
sudo -u postgres psql
create user osm with encrypted password 'mypass';
(The osm database is used to connect to do rename the database for production, )
add the Postgress password to the
Tuning the Database configs: TODO (incrase memory in various places)
the default port used will be 8001. (see ../workdir/port_mapping)
Select a region the tileserver should serve (Ask @Akasch for infos)
start the import inside of a screen/temux session because it wil propably take a loong time
start import:
for example:
sudo ./ 6_30_22
This will download the data and import it. This will need up to 3 days on a HDD if the region .pbf file is ~1,5 GB. After the import a configuration is written and the systemd unit is started and enabled. It will listen on the next port not defined in port_mapping. There will be some SQL errors in the middel about columns not found, this is normal and expected (migrations which are not needed).
To integrate it into the global tileserver expose the port to the internet (best with nginx or apache as reverse proxy in front of it) and ping @Akasch.
Currently the used data is sliced at most once per week. To reimport the data just rerun the import command. This will import the data into a second Database (defaults to _b) and switch them at the end so the old data gets served until the import finishes.
The script will import all installed regions. so you can add this script to the (root) crontab
Warning: This will need the database size (of the biggest region) a second time during import!