An operational API to manage AutoLayout.
Maketa provides an operational, easy to read, easy to write, API to manage AutoLayout.
Some examples:
// Match attribute of a view to another attributes
view.mkt.left = otherView.mkt.right + 10
// Set sizing attributes directly or relative to other view size
view.mkt.height = 100
view.mkt.width = otherView.mkt.width
view.mkt.size = otherView.mkt.size * 0.5
// Center views in another view = =
// Make edges to match other edges or margins
view.mkt.edges = Superview.edges - UIEdgeInsets(top: 16, left: 16, bottom: 16, right: 16)
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.margins - .top
Note: Autolayout will be automatically activated in writing operations, but not in reading operations. In the examples above, autolayout will be activated in
but not inotherView
To make the constraints have a .greaterOrEqual
or .lessOrEqual
relation, just replace =
by >
or <
view.mkt.height < 100
view.mkt.left > otherView.mkt.right
You can change the priority of a constraint using the &
view.mkt.left = (otherView.mkt.right + 10) & .defaultLow
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.margins & .defaultHigh
In case you need to keep a reference of the constraints added by Maketa
, you can use the =>
var constraint = NSLayoutConstraint.empty
view.mkt.height = 10 => constraint
var constraint: NSLayoutConstraint? = ( + 50) => constraint
var constraints = CenterConstraints() = => constraints
var constraints: EdgesConstraints?
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.margins => constraints
Maketa mirrors all the built-in NSLayoutAttribute
cases so that you can set any of them.
You can set the attribute to:
- Another attribute (of the same or another view).
- A constant
- An operation between attributes and constants
view.mkt.leading = otherView.mkt.leading
view.mkt.height = 10
view.mkt.centerY = otherView.mkt.centerY * 2 + 5
Using the =>
operator will return a single NSLayoutConstraint
var constraint: NSLayoutConstraint?
view.mkt.height = 10 => constraint
You can match the center of a view to the center of another view with a single instruction: =
You can use four different types of center:
// center =
// center within margins = otherView.mkt.centerWithinMargins
Note that on the left side of the expression you always use center
. The right side of the expression is which determines the type of center used.
Using the =>
operator will return an instance of CenterConstraints
which can be used to get the x
and y
var constraints: CenterConstraints? = => constraints
You can also add an offset into the center. You can do it with the -
and +
operators and with a constant or a UIOffset
// will add an offset of 20 pixels for centerX and centerY = + 20
// using a UIOffset = - UIOffset(horizontal: 10, vertical)
You can add constraints for the size of a view with one single instruction. You can do it in several ways:
// a constant: Set both width and height to the same value
view.mkt.size = 100
// a CGSize
view.mkt.size = CGSize(width: 100, height: 200)
// Another view size
view.mkt.size = otherView.mkt.size
Using the =>
operator will return an instance of SizeConstraints
which you can use to get the width
and height
var constraints: SizeConstraints?
view.mkt.size = CGSize(width: 100, height: 200) => constraints
Each one of the three methods can be added a padding using the operators +
and -
// with a constant: adds an offset of 30 px in vertical and 30 px in horizontal
view.mkt.size = otherView.mkt.size + 30
// using UIOffset
view.mkt.size = anotherView.mkt.size + UIOffset(horizontal: 10, vertical: 20)
Also, each one of the three methods can be multiplied or divided using the operators *
and /
// the size will be half width and height of the other view size
view.mkt.size = anotherView.mkt.size / 2
// the size will be the double of width and height of the other view size
view.mkt.size = anotherView.mkt.size * 2
You can bind all the edges of a view to the edges of another view with a single instruction:
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.edges
You can use four different types of edges:
// edges (left, right, top, bottom)
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.edges
// edges relative to the view margins (left, right, top, bottom)
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.margins
// edges using the interface layout direction (leading, trailing, top, bottom)
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.layoutDirectionEdges
// margins using the interface layout direction (leading, trailing, top, bottom)
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.layoutDirectionMargins
Note that on the left side of the expression you always use edges
. The right side of the expression is which determines the type of edge used.
Using the =>
operator will return an instance of EdgesConstraints
. You can get the constraints added for each edge from it.
var constraints: EdgesConstraints?
view.mkt.edges = Superview.edges => constraints
You can exclude one (or more) edges. To do it, you must use the -
operator with one or more cases of the Edge
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.edges - .top
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.layoutDirectionMargins - .leading - .trailing
The possible values are: .left
, .right
, .leading
, .trailing
, .top
, .bottom
You can also add padding into the edges. You can do it with the -
and +
operators and with a constant or a UIEdgeInset
// will add padding of 20 pixels on each edge
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.edges - 20
// when using a layout direction edge, left would be treated as leading and right to trailing
view.mkt.edges = otherView.mkt.layoutDirectionMargins - UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 15, bottom: 20, right: 25)
When you want to match some properties of a view to its superview, you can use the static methods of the Superview
view.mkt.leading = Superview.leading
view.mkt.edges = Superview.margins - 16
view.mkt.size = Superview.size =
static methods will throw a fatal error in case the view has not been added to a super-view.
Add the following to your Podfile
pod 'Maketa'
Then run $ pod install
And finally, in the classes where you need Maketa:
import Maketa
If you don’t have CocoaPods installed or integrated into your project, you can learn how to do so here.
Maketa is available under the MIT license.