- Copyright (c) 2019, MIST All rights reserved.
This python script has been made by var-greyShader
To run this script, copy the repository files to a new folder and open the terminal/command prompt in the directory.
type "python MistInfoDesk.py" in the terminal/command prompt
If you do not have python installed, install it on windows from https://www.python.org/downloads/ and if you are on Mac, or on Debian, you can istall it using: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install python3.6
However, to run this specific script, you'll need to install pyfiglet package using pip package manager. You can do it typing the following in your terminal/command prompt
pip install pyfiglet
And then voila! The program works. All the registration is saved as a new json file in the /responses directory
You are free to modify the script up to your needs but need to give credit to the author @var-greyShader and the organization @MIST1819 when you use this code elsewhere.