Extends and simplifies tkinter functionality with built-in QoL improvements.
This package and 6 other make up ManderaGeneral.
Package | Ver | Latest Release | Python | Platform | Lvl | Todo | Tests |
generalgui | 2.0.8 | 2021-12-30 10:19 CET | 3.8, 3.9 | Windows, Ubuntu | 2 | 1 | 55.1 % |
generalgui ├─ Information ├─ Contents ├─ Installation ├─ Attributes └─ Todo
Command | generalvector | generallibrary | pandas | numpy |
pip install generalgui |
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Module: generalgui ├─ Class: Button │ ├─ Method: draw_text (Untested) │ └─ Property: text ├─ Class: Checkbutton (Untested) │ ├─ Method: draw_text (Untested) │ ├─ Property: text │ ├─ Method: toggle (Untested) │ └─ Method: toggled (Untested) ├─ Class: Entry (Untested) │ ├─ Method: draw_text (Untested) │ ├─ Property: text │ ├─ Method: toggle (Untested) │ └─ Method: toggled (Untested) ├─ Class: Label │ ├─ Method: draw_text (Untested) │ └─ Property: text ├─ Class: MethodGrouper (Untested) │ ├─ Method: draw_text (Untested) │ ├─ Property: text │ ├─ Method: toggle (Untested) │ └─ Method: toggled (Untested) ├─ Class: Page ├─ Class: Password (Untested) ├─ Class: PaymentPage (Untested) ├─ Class: PlotPage (Untested) └─ Class: SigninPage (Untested) ├─ Method: hook_signin_success (Untested) ├─ Method: register (Untested) └─ Method: signin (Untested)
Module | Message |
editable.py | Move trace to generallibrary. |