Stanford's Coursera course on algorithms, part 2. It can be taken here:
Like my previous repo on Part I of this course (, this one will contain solutions to the programming assignments posted throughout the course. As before, they'll be coded in C++11. Feel free to comment, or give your opinion of the code - pull requests and tickets are always available/welcome.
Let's do some coding now...
Greedy algorithms
- Scheduling problem
- Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm
Greedy algorithms 2
- Clustering
- Clustering big - Hamming distance
Dynamic Programming
Knapsack big:
a) Recursive with memoization (hash table)
b) Iterative with two C-like arrays
Dynamic Programming 2
- Floyd-Warshall All-Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm
Traveling Salesman Problem
2-SAT Problem