This is a project to use the tool called MHSX2G (used to make mixed sets for Monster Hunter Frontier) and the modified MH2DOS' "dat" files by me to create Monster Hunter 2 DOS mixed sets. It is not perfect and I might keep working on it to make it better, for now it will help a lot, my tip is to try to "manually" add the pieces and decos as many as possible for better results.
The game is in Japanese, the tool is in Japanese, the database is in Japanese... This is a Japanese tool made by a Japanese to use in a Japanese game. So why should I do it in English? If one day someone can make a better and polished English version than Burango did, then that day I can think of translating the files. Until that day (that I'm sure it will never come) anyone is free to get the files and translate themselves.
There is no "胴系統倍加" skill (Torso Inc) in Frontier, so the tool is not programmed with that function, since I am not its creator nor have I the skills to program it, you should just ignore it, you can also use any text editor to insert the values that you want it to "double", I mean, in the piece that has "胴系統倍加". For that just follow the other pieces you want to "double" and copy/paste it, save and run the tool. The "胴系統倍加" is also in the list so you can try selecting it, after that you can see the pieces with that skill so you can select it and try selecting the pieces and "manually" make your mixed set. I think this option is more appropriate. I know that's not perfect and any help with these are appreciated, but this will save you tons of hours.
There are a few equipment pieces with an * in its name, just ignore it, the tool does not allow equipments with duplicated names, if I remember correctly you will only notice that in the Guild's female armour (just because it comes after the male one). Anyway, just wanted to notify everyone about it.
I'm using the original item files' from Frontier, there is no need for me to modify it since there are the same items and more, don't worry about the other items, they will not show up. But be aware that you will see armour's pieces with "HR91" or any other in their info, this means the HR which you can get the mat for creating or upgrading that needed piece, remember that that is in the Frontier's formula, so don't mind it too much, HR31+ just means that you will need to be high rank to get those mats, I noticed that Yian Garuga's pieces shows as HR31+, but in MH2 it is available only in the village for those who have connect their save with MHP's save.
Be aware that it can have wrong values, I'm sure that you might encounter some along the way, since I stopped caring about the upgrades mats for the pieces when I noticed that it was all about the same, example: Hunter's Helm, Mail, Arms, Tasset and Greaves have the same mats and values in all the upgrade tree, I just assumed that everything was following this pattern. I'm not a programmer so I would hate to have to keep checking line per line of 5 files with almost 12k lines each. Anyway, if you find any wrong value just report it so I can fix it.
A tip: before you finish the creation (after you find the set you want), try to add the same parts manually to check if the tool used the best decorations, sometimes it can show you that you need 5 X decos and you have parts with 2 slots and might have the +3 deco that uses 2 slots, or worst to the point it can't create the mixed set, so insert as many pieces and decos as possible but leave at least 1 slot empty to auto-search and generate the set so you can copy and save it. If you are low rank then try limitting the search to HR30, above that you will get high rank results.
I use the latest MHSX2G's version (20191218) since I am a Frontier veteran. Oh, you can still use this tool for MHF if you make a backup of the original files.
The files in this repository and the MHSX2G tool.
Just get the files and extract them in the tool's folder overwriting all original files. I recommend you to do that so you don't get too much confused nor use something from Frontier or you will get wrong results.
No. I'm only sharing these files so everybody can create their own mixed sets, everything aside from these instrunctions and notes I will not provide, you are on your own, I believe in you, so just don't be lazy and be determined to learn a few things!
- Capcom for creating this awesome game.
- Burango for making the English patch and some crazy patches for the online content which we used about 10 years ago, good ol' days. (
- Vax-san for translating and making a database with all the useful information. (
- hiroaki362 for making this tool that we used for long years to play MHF. (
- Gigaproto for making the pseudo online patch. (