Skywater process is described as a standard 130nm/180 nm process.FET transistor 150 nm. specifically designed memory layout use 130nm devices.
Some Magic commands
- magic -noconsole - This would bring the tcl console on command line
- magic -dnull -noconsole - This would bring up Magic without GUI. This is the way Magic should be run from script.
- magic -dnull -noconsole test.tcl (test.tcl has only one line with text "quit")
- magic -d XR (invokes cairo graphics package)
- magic -d OGL (uses openGL graphics package)
- Typing semicolon on GUI will automatically redirect the commands to tcl command window.
- import spice - File menu -> import spice
- xschem --tcl test.tcl -q (This will throw an error if previous file is used since "quit" is not a tcl command)
- netgen -noconsole - This has same behaviour as for for magic i.e console on commandline
- netgen -batch source test.tcl (test.tcl has only one line with text "quit")
- ngspice -b (to run ngspice in batch mode)
- 5 layers of Aluminium metal plus a layer of Tinanium Nitride (Local interconnect)
- Local interconnect (LI) is used to connect neighbouring devices. Skywater standard cell uses it for power and ground rails.
- Contact to polysilicon requiring a Nitride a polycut layer.
- Metal layers are in progressive thickness bottom up.
- For Digital flows, tools reserve Metal5 for routing.
- Metal layers ard vias are called back-end layers. Everything below is called front-end layers. They are different as different precision required for masks and different fabrication process. They share the steps of oxide(insulation layer) growth but front end is mainly diffusion and ion implantation while back-end is metal deposition by sputtering.
- Some unique thinhs about this process
- separate tap and diffusion layers
- deep nwell layer. This is accompanied with circling that area with nwell for isolation. We can diffusse a pwell above this nwell and create p-type devices such as FET, bipolars and diodes.
- HVI (high voltage implant) layer has more than one use - nwell implanted with HVI is tolerant to higher voltage; grow additional insulation under the gates of mosfet forming a thick oxide gate transistor. Thick oxide devices are tolerant to 5 v. Thin oxide are tolerant upto 2v. This can help dual voltage domain design.
- MiM (metal insulator metal) layers are part of backend process although they form devices that are extracted and simulation. This is created by creating metal plates between two metal routing layers to create capacitors.skyawater has dual MiM layers.
- Reistribution layer (RDL). Fabricated by 3rd party manufacturer. used to form bump bonds which is part of WLCSP (wafer level chip scale packaging). Solder bumps are added directly on the RDL. Die itself becomes it's own packaging. No wire bonding is needed. RDL is not a designlayer. It is part of packaging. Howerver copper layers are thick and can be useful for forming inductors.
- Thin oxide
- Thick oxide
- Mim Caps
- Resistors
- Bipolar devices - vertical bipolar making use of diffussion regions and wells has high enough beta. It can have proper NPN transistor.
- Resistors
- Polysilion - P+ and p- dope
- diffussion resisitor
- pwell is highest resistance resistor
- high precision resistors are discrete sizes
- devices with a restricted number of approved layout. GDS is provided for these throughly tested devices.
- It is preferebale to keep the circuit part that will be turned into layout self-contained. i.e no components that would not be part of layout like voltage or current sources. Ideally, schematic to be laid out is to appear as a symbol to test bench.
- Not to use any specific power supply pins.
Ensures design meets silicon foundry rules for masks
Ensures design layout matches schematic or simulatable netlist by electrical connectivity and devices.
This is kind of tools checking tools. If something is flagged by LVS, it is more often the set-ups provided by the tool.
Some schematic capture tools
- xschem
- xcircuit
- eeschema
- esim
some layout tools
- magic
- klayout
- electric
Earlier format used by Magic is Caltech Intermediate Format (CIF). It had two nice properties
- human readable ascii format
- naturally extensible some questionable features of CIF
- stem from expectation that chip data would be curvy [1]
- introduce new format type extensibility and broke the spec.
Calma Inc came us with file format called GDS stream format which has kind of morphed into GDS II.
In Magic, we can use cif see <layer>
to overlay the GDS layout.
In GDS every layer is denoted by two numbers (layer-purpose pair)
layer - diffussion, poly, metal1
Purpose - drawing, label, pin, blockage, net
DIFF 65:20
NSDM 93:44
These number are inconsistent within differnet processes and foundries.
GDS format summary
Data in Rectangles, Polygons, Subcells and have layer associated with them
Collect a bunch of geometry together and call it a cell. We can make instances of cell and put them in another cell.
Metadata is not part of physical Mask like label, cell definition, cell boundries
GDS does not include Device types, current sinks, power supplies etc. This lead to invention of new formats like lef and def.
Detailed GDS specification in [2]
There is a new file format called OASIS. This creates more smaller file at the expense of readability.
GDS does not store the netlist information. Tools can independently generate a netlist by looking at nothing but the mask. This process is called extraction.
Magic has a two step process for extraction.
Layout -> Intermediate Form (.ext file) -> netlist
Extraction commands from Magic
- extract do local <- optional. ensures that files are created locally.
- extract all <- creates .ext file
- extresist tolerance 10
- extresist all
- ext2spice lvs <- option set-up for running LVS.
- ext2spice cthresh 0
- ext2spice extresist on
- ext2spice <- creates spice file
Extraction styles available in Magic
- ngspice() ensures ngspice compatible but takes parameters from ext2spice
- ngspice(orig) deals with some older files
- ngspice(si) converts all units to SI units
Ext2sice options
- ext2spice lvs - sets number of same options
- ext2spice cthres value - sets threshold of capacitances for extarction. Parasitic resistances are done ina completly different way.
- ext2spice scale on|off - off is preferred for skywater process
- ext2spice hierarchy on|off - one big netlist or hierarchy.
- ext2spice subcircuit top on|off - needs ports to be defined.
- ext2spice global on|off - sets the behaviours of declaring global nets.
- ext2spice merge on|off - device with the same size are merged together.
LVS extraction Parasitic extraction Full R-C extraction
This is done by gsd command.
gds read <file>
Important options
- gds readonly true|false
- they are pointing toa source file that cannot be moved
- view in magic may not have anything to do with source data. We can manipulate it in magic but it does not get saved.
- gds flatglob - helps read vendor file were parts of a device are stored in hierarcy.
- gds flatten -
- gds noduplicates true - can help preload an abstract view of some cells and then read in rest from GDS.
- gds library true - has bunch of cell but does not have a top level like a standard cell library.
- gds addendum true - ignores any readonly options. need to read the read-olny files again while reopening with file.
- gds merge true|false - merges all polygon GDS input styles
style sky130 variants (), (vendor)
is equivalent tocif istyle sky130()
cif istyle sky130(vendor)
- style rdlimport
- all available styles can be listed as
cif listall istyle
- current style can be shown by
cif list istyle
GDS output styles - style gdsii
- stye drc - for drc only
- style density - used by scripts for fill density
- style wafflefill - used by scripts
Port Commands port index
- shows the index of the port only if single port is selected- better way would be to use
port first
,port 1 name
,port 1 class
to query about each port. - GDS does not store metadata like port class etc. So, we use .lef file format.
lef read
can be used to read the lef file. - However this does not show port order. This can be does by a tcl script
readspice /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_sc_hd/spice/sky130_fd_sc_hd.spice
- Interactive DRC
- DRC styles
- fast - slowest
- full
- routing - fast basic metal layer rules - fatest
- DRC rule checking methods in magic
- edge-based- spacing, width, surround, extend
- boolean geometry rules - and, or
- other operator - grow, shrink, squares
DRC vs correct-by-design DRC rules in hierarchy DRC in tech file DRC verification layout Extraction rules Extraction styles Device types Hierrarchical extraction DRC errors uncovered by extraction
It can compare and indicate if they do not match
- layout vs schematic
- layout vs verilog
If we are using verilog, it uses logic gates. From the perspecive of LVS, all the logic gates are blackboxed i.e LVS will not run unto the transistor level. If we want to run the LVS down to transistor level, we would have to splice the subcell onto the verilog netlist.
Comparison by XORing two GDS files to identify if there are any changes present.
Following are some of important back-end (metal layer) rules to review in a PDK.
- Width
- Spacing Notch
- Wide-Spacing
- Minimum Area
- Via overlaps
- Minimum hole
- Slot rules
- Via generation rules
- Local interconnect
- Front-end rules
- Transistor rules
- Implants, ID layers, Boundary layers
- Wells, same-net rules
- Deep N-well
- High Voltage rules
- Resistors
- Capacitors
- Diodes
- Fixed-layout devices
- Miscellaneous rules
- Off-grid errors
- Restricted angles
- Latchup rules
- Antenna rules
- Stress rules
- Density rules
- Double vias
The metal layer should have certain percentage of area fill so that upper layers can be smooth. This is achieved using python script SKY130 process.
DRC styles Dumping and viewing DRC results Fixing DRC errors
- yosis converts rtl code to gates- abc replaces generaic gates to standard cells i.e technology mapping
does find die size, I/O placement, cap-decap insertion and power distribution networkrun_placement
does global placement, Timing optimizations and static timing analysis, detailed placementrun_cts
tritonCTS does clock tree synthesisrun_resizer_timing
Analyzes an alternate clocktree if earlier run was not acceptablerun_routing
runs global routing, fill insertion, detailed routingwrite_powered_verilog
get the extracted netlist- `set_netlist $::env(lvs_result_file_tag).powered.v
create GDS and LEFrun_klayout
this is used to check that GDS generated by magic is similar to one generated using klaooutrun_klayout_gds_xor
thsi runs the XOR checkrun_magic_spice_export
for RC extractionrun_lvs
for LVS check using spice and verilog generated from 'write_powered_verilog`run_magic_drc
to check DRC.run_antenna_check
for antenna violationsrun_lef_cvc
for circuit validationgenerate_final_summary_report
to get final summary
- not to use local interconnect for routing
- Density Planning
- utilization ratio- area occupied by netlist/toral area of die
- Cell density - how spread are our cells
- Exclude cell list to avoid problematic cells
Netlists are extracted from following
- netlits from schematic
- netlist from layout
Pre-match analysis Hierarchical checking and flattening Property checking Pin checking Series/Parallel combing Symmetry breaking Interpreting results Fixing errors
[1] Telle Whitney, caltech, 1985,