Pipeline to deploy Bff
You can find example with values in notion!
Change vars. ToolsRoot - folder git init root folder Specify NugetFeed and TerraformRoot
In yaml file paths - include
task ArtifactoryDotnetCore@1 Write correct rootPath! it is path to bff.sln file
task UseDotNet@2 specify version. But maybe this task is not needed at all, unless new version of .Net appears, which is not bound to Azure Pipline yet.
task DotNetCoreCLI@2 build specify projects (path to bff.sln file) looks like $(ToolsRoot)/Bff.sln
task DotNetCoreCLI@2 publish specify projects (path to bff.sln file) looks like $(ToolsRoot)/Bff.sln
task PublishBuildArtifacts@1 Pay attention to ArtifactName and PathtoPublish! Check values in Notion.
Line 169 download step. Check artifact name
task AzureWebApp@1 package. Check path with notion!
Line 287 Step download. Check artifact.
Line 289 task AzureWebApp@1 Check package folder!
Check all the names like api-template, api, Template with notion exapmles. Might be some differences