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/ tsoa-api Public archive

express.js, tsoa, inversify, swagger, mongoose

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tsoa api


  • <url>/api-docs


  • instalation: yarn install
  • dev: yarn start build tsoa routes, swagger definitions and starts the server on development mode listening to file changes (swagger definition changes will require a manual restart)
  • test: yarn test unit and integration tests
  • build: yarn build production build
  • prod: yarn start:prod starts the server on production mode


  • config express server, DB connection, Logger, etc
    • env .env files
  • controllers routes configuration
  • models classes and interfaces representing entities. They are also used to normalize data
  • respositories data abstraction layers
  • services business logic to be used primary by controllers
  • utils
  • tests

Code Examples


  • Controllers handle routes configuration including:
    • paths / methods
    • auth roles
    • swagger definitions
import { Route, Controller, Get } from 'tsoa';

import { ProvideSingleton } from '../ioc';

export class PingController extends Controller {
  /** The service containing business logic is passed through dependency injection */
  constructor(@inject(UserService) private userService: UserService) {

  /** Simple GET */
  public async ping(): Promise<string> {
    return 'pong';

  /** Error response definition for swagger */
  @Response(400, 'Bad request')
  /** Type of security needed to access the method */
  /** The request's body is accessed through a decorator */
  /** The interface "IUserModel" is also used to build swagger specs and to perform run time validations */ 
  public async create(@Body() userParams: IUserModel): Promise<IUserModel> {
    const user = new UserModel(userParams);
    return this.userService.create(user);

Models and Formatters

  • Models and Formatters are used for 4 reasons:


    • Swagger definition file
    • Run time validations performed by tsoa
    • Static typing advantages
/** An interface used for swagger, run time validations and standar typescript advantages */
export interface IUserModel {
  id?: string;
  username: string;
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;


    • Data normalization
/** A class used to normalize data */
export class UserFormatter extends BaseFormatter implements IUserModel {
  public username: string = undefined;
  public firstName: string = undefined;
  public lastName: string = undefined;

  constructor(args: any) {


  • A simple tsoa middleware to handle authentication by decorators.

Auth on controller

class SomeController {
  public async method(): Promise<IUserModel> {
    // ...

Auth logic implementation

export async function expressAuthentication(request: Request, securityName: string, scopes?: string[]): Promise<AuthData> {
  /** Switch to handle security decorators on controllers - @Security('adminUser') */
  switch (securityName) {
    case 'authRole':
      /** If auth is valid, returns data that might be used on controllers (maybe logged user's data) */
      return null;
  /** Throws an exception if auth is invalid */
  throw new ApiError('auth', 403, 'invalid credentials');


  • Services encapsulate buisness logic to be used by controllers. This allows the code to stay DRY if several controllers rely on similar logic and help to make testing easier.
export class UserService {
  /** The repository to access the data persistance layer is passed through dependency injection */
  constructor(@inject(UserRepository) private userRepository: UserRepository) { }

  /** Business logic to get a single item */
  public async getById(_id: string): Promise<IUserModel> {
    return new UserModel(await this.userRepository.findOne({ _id }));

  /** Business logic to get paginated data */
  public async getPaginated(query: IUserModel, pageNumber: number, perPage: number): Promise<PaginationModel> {
    const skip: number = (Math.max(1, pageNumber) - 1) * perPage;
    const [count, list] = await Promise.all([
      this.userRepository.find(query, skip, perPage)
    return new PaginationModel({
      list: => new UserModel(item))


  • Repositories handle the access to data layers

Mongo Repository

import { Schema, Model } from 'mongoose';

import { BaseRepository } from './BaseRepository';
import { ProvideSingleton, inject } from '../../ioc';
import { MongoDbConnection } from '../../config/MongoDbConnection';
import { ICaseModel, CaseFormatter } from '../../models';

export class CaseRepository extends BaseRepository<ICaseModel> {
  protected modelName: string = 'cases';
  protected schema: Schema = new Schema({
    name: { type: String, required: true },
    createdBy: { type: String, required: true }
  protected formatter = CaseFormatter;
  constructor(@inject(MongoDbConnection) protected dbConnection: MongoDbConnection) {

SQL Repository

import { ProvideSingleton, inject } from '../../ioc';
import { BaseRepository } from './BaseRepository';
import { ICaseModel, CaseFormatter } from '../../models';
import { CaseEntity } from './entities';

export class CaseRepository extends BaseRepository<ICaseModel> {
  protected formatter: any = CaseFormatter;

  constructor(@inject(CaseEntity) protected entityModel: CaseEntity) {

SQL Entity

    • Sequelize definition to be used by SQL repositories
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize';

import { ProvideSingleton, inject } from '../../../ioc';
import { SQLDbConnection } from '../../../config/SQLDbConnection';
import { BaseEntity } from './BaseEntity';

export class CaseEntity extends BaseEntity {
  /** table name */
  public entityName: string = 'case';
  /** table definition */  
  protected attributes: Sequelize.DefineAttributes = {
    _id: { type: Sequelize.UUID, primaryKey: true, defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4 },
    name: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false, unique: true },
    createdBy: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false }
  protected options: Sequelize.DefineOptions<any> = { name: { plural: 'cases' } };

  constructor(@inject(SQLDbConnection) protected sqlDbConnection: SQLDbConnection) {

SQL Migrations

    • When an update on a model is needed, the Entity on src/repositories/sql/entities will have to be updated and a migration file created and run with the provided npm script migrate:<env> to update the already created table.
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize';

export default {
  up: async (queryInterface: Sequelize.QueryInterface) => {
    return Promise.all([
      // queryInterface.addColumn('users', 'fakeColumn', Sequelize.STRING)
  down: async (queryInterface: Sequelize.QueryInterface) => {
    return Promise.all([
      // queryInterface.removeColumn('users', 'fakeColumn')


    • To sync all entities when the server/tests start, tou will have to inject their dependencies into SQLSetupHelper class localted at src/config/SQLSetupHelper
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize';

import constants from './constants';
import { Logger } from './Logger';
import { ProvideSingleton, inject } from '../ioc';
import { SQLDbConnection } from './SQLDbConnection';
import * as entities from '../repositories/sql/entities';

export class SQLSetupHelper {

    @inject(SQLDbConnection) private sqlDbConnection: SQLDbConnection,
    @inject(entities.UserEntity) private entity1: entities.UserEntity,
    @inject(entities.CaseEntity) private entity2: entities.CaseEntity
  ) { }

  public async rawQuery<T>(query: string): Promise<T> {
    return this.sqlDbConnection.db.query(query, { raw: true });

  public async sync(options?: Sequelize.SyncOptions): Promise<void> {
    await this.sqlDbConnection.db.authenticate();
    if (constants.SQL.dialect === 'mysql') await this.rawQuery('SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0');
      `synchronizing: tables${options ? ` with options: ${JSON.stringify(options)}` : ''}`
    await this.sqlDbConnection.db.sync(options);


  • Tests include unit tests (utils and services) and integration tests.
import { expect } from 'chai';
import * as supertest from 'supertest';

import { Server } from '../../config/Server';

describe('PingController', () => {
  const app = supertest(new Server().app);

  it('HTTP GET /api/ping | should return pong', async () => {
    const res = await app.get('/api/ping');


express.js, tsoa, inversify, swagger, mongoose






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