Dashboard for personal use. Task management and stickynotes. This project serves as my exploration into HTMX, combining practical utility with modern web development techniques.
Version 1.0.0
- Task management
- Sticky notes library, somtimes we just want to save good notes.
- Create sticky notes with voice-to-text transcription for easier note-taking. The app requires an OpenAI API key for speech recognition.
- TinyMCE integration for rich text editing.
- Built with HTMX for dynamic content updates.
While the core functionality is largely complete, I'm continuously working on expanding features and refining the user experience. This project showcases a personalized approach to productivity tools, tailored to individual workflow preferences.
PHP (version 8.1 or higher)
Apache web server with mod_rewrite enabled
Clone the repository:
- Copygit clone https://github.com/MajorJohnDoe/dashboard.git
- cd dashboard
Install npm dependencies:
- npm install
Configure your web server:
- Ensure that the document root is set to the project's public directory.
- Make sure the .htaccess file is present in the root directory and that Apache is configured to allow .htaccess overrides.
Set up your PHP environment:
- Rename config.example.php to config.php and update the configuration settings as needed. Database connection etc. Both MariaDB and MySQL should work.
Database Setup:
This project uses MariaDB. To set up the database and load test data:
Ensure you have MariaDB installed and running.
Open a terminal and connect to your MariaDB server.
Run the following command to create the database, tables, and insert test data:
mysql -u your_username -p < path/to/database_setup.sql
This will create the necessary tables and insert some test data to get you started. Or just use PHPMyAdmin and import the sql-file into the database.
Access the dashboard through your web browser by navigating to the configured domain or localhost address. You should be directed to a login page where you can login with username: johndoe and password: password.
TinyMCE (^7.0.1)
SortableJS (1.15.2)